When it comes to sassy fashion, the Queen of Bollywood Deepika Padukone hits our mind. The dimpled beauty has always mesmerized us not only with her mind blowing acting but even her sartorial choices. Be it ethnic or western wear this dusky beauty has slayed every look and given us major fashion goals. Her wardrobe has a charm and style that only Deepika can carry it off beautifully, for years she has constantly inspired us and we are smitten by her looks. Today we bring her stunning looks that have touched our hearts and we are pretty sure it will make you swoon too.
This trend has rocked the fashion world and we just love how she brings a vintage as well as the swanky look with the polka dots and stripe fashion. Girls if you ever think you would look out of place in this trend, then just look at Mastani and get inspired! The Print on print:
messy hair bun, berry lipsticks adds an oomph factor to the stunning outfit.
Striped jumpsuit:
She has donned stripe fashion for numerous times, but recently at Tour de France she stunned all with her powerful look in the striped jumpsuit. Deepika looks confident and just conquers the show with her elegance and charm. Next time you shop for a jumpsuit, look for this striped pattern and be ready for several compliments.
If you thought khaki makes you look boring, then just see this killer look of Deepika. She had worn this during the film promotions of Tamasha and we find her seductive and badass. Her smoky eye makeup and on point brows with nude lipstick made her look even more appealing.
Kickass denim:
Want ideas on how to style your LBD? Take cues from Deepika, she has styled her plain black dress with a stylish, feminine A-line coat which instantly glams up the look. And the silver neckpiece and nude peep toe sandals complement the look.
Get inspired by her ladylike look in the off shoulder dress. She looks elegant, vintage and queenly all set to be the visual treat for all. How lucky is Ranveer!