Today is my 22nd birthday! Excuse me while I deal with the hundreds of Taylor Swift references I’m receiving today.
Alright. Now that that’s out of the way, I thought that in honor of my big 2-2 I’d share with you 11 things I’ve never told you (at least, not on this blog).
1. Today is also the birthday of one of my best friends, Emily! She also has a blog called Nerdy Artist, check it out and wish her a happy birthday too. :)
2. When I was really little, I was extremely shy. Like, wouldn’t even hug my grandparents shy. What a contrast to who I am today.
3. My favorite color is orange. Not orange like an orange, not like a pumpkin, and definitely not like a traffic cone. Orange like a mango. Except not a real mango, but the orange everyone thinks a mango is. The one they put on tropical juice labels.

4. I’m a Jeep person.
5. I write my own music. No, none of my original songs are posted online, but I do play the occasional open mic night here and there, and I’m always happy to play for those who are interested.
6. When I was in 10th grade, I spent a month on exchange in England. It changed my feelings about the scale of the world and opened my eyes to a completely different way of life. Then at the end of the school year, I flew back out for their prom!
7. The after party for prom in England was in a field of sheep in the dead of night.
8. When I started my first internship at Microsoft, my personal devices were an iPhone and a MacBook Pro. I now use two Lenovo laptops running Windows 10 and an LG G4 running Android.
9. As a kid, my favorite movie was The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns. It’s basically a super long double Romeo and Juliet story about a fairy falling in love with a leprechaun, and an Irish woman falling in love with an American. The main character, Mickey Muldoon, was my first true love.

10. My favorite song right now is HeadBand by B.o.B. I just can’t stop listening to it. Warning, NSFW.
11. Speaking of B.o.B. – in January, my friend and I went to a concert of his at a club. Towards the end of the concert he jumped into the audience right in front of me and his bodyguards created a little pocket of space for us to dance! It sounds unbelievable and the only proof I have is a crappy shaky video where you can only see half my face and his hat, but it was so cool.
Phew, there you have it. If you’ve made it to the end of this list, thanks for reading, here’s a piece of e-birthday-cake for you. xo

image from Chocolate Covered Katie