We celebrate the birthdays of the Great Ones and recollect facets of their lives. By linking to them, we receive their blessings and grace.
The birth times of Master EK (Ekkirala Krishnamacharya) and Madam Blavatsky are only 11 hours apart. Master EK was born 11 August 1926 at 5:30 pm; HPB was born in the early morning hours of 12 August 1831, at 4:30 h.
Both are great messengers of the Eternal Wisdom and of those who gave it to us, the Masters of Wisdom. Master Kumar said:
“Master EK was highly inspired by the writings of Madam HPB. In his room in Radhamadhavam, there used to be only 2 pictures, one of Master CVV and another of Madam HPB. Most of the grand wisdom that he gave comes through her. He used to give many discourses on the wisdom coming from Madam HPB.”
Below you find a short extract from Master Kumar’s discourse about Master EK on 11th of August, 2016, followed by an extract of his discourse on Madam Blavatsky on 12th of August, 2017.
Extract from the discourse by Master Kumar on 11 August 2016, Master EK’s Birthday Celebrations 2016:
Master EK used to give great importance to time. He used to say that any work is to be done when it is to be done. When someone is hungry, you feed him at that time, not at your convenience. The purpose of an act is lost when it is not done at the right time. When someone needs help urgently, help if you can. Don’t delay it until it is convenient for you.
Once a marriage in Guntur was stopped because the bride did not have enough gold ornaments. The groom’s family did not like it and they wanted to call off the marriage. The bride’s father came to Master EK for help. Master EK gave all gold ornaments at his house to that man and told him to conduct the marriage. Can we do like that? Can we give away all our wealth in that manner when someone is in need? That is Master EK. It is very difficult to follow him in such aspects. He used to give away all the money that he had when someone was in need. He never thought of repayment and never asked for the money again. That was the kind of renunciation he had towards worldly things. He was never interested in accumulating things.
He used to never live in the past or future. He only cared of the present and the work in hand. For him, life is to live in the present and remain in service of the needy. That way of life was highly joyful to him.
Extract from the discourse by Master Kumar on 12 August 2017, Madam HPB’s Birthday Celebrations:
She stayed in Master Koot Hoomi’s ashram in Tibet for three years and she underwent lot of transformation to be able to comprehend and gain the grand wisdom which was to descend through her. She gained knowledge of all the books and Scriptures present all over the globe including in many museums.
While she gave dictations later to her disciples, they used to be surprised when she quoted statements from those books. She never saw those books physically but could see and dictate statements from them. Henry Olcott visited many of the museums to verify the statements. Madam HPB quoted from those books and the statements used to be exactly as in those books. That is how she was trained. When she wanted some information from a book, the book used to appear before her in subtle planes and she could refer to it.
She was dearest to many Masters of Wisdom. They used to protect her at all times. They showed her many parts of the world which cannot be seen by ordinary people. Through her, they brought down grand wisdom of cosmo-genesis and anthro-pogenesis for the access of the beings of this planet. Until then, this wisdom was not available to the public. It was present only in manuscripts which were present in some hidden caves of the planet. She told the whole story of how this planet was formed and how our bodies were formed and how evolution happens and so on. She cleared away lot of wrong propaganda that was happening at that time in the world. As a result, she faced lot of opposition and criticism in life but she did not care for that. She first wrote Isis Unveiled and then Secret Doctrine which is like a more organised and detailed version of the content given in Isis Unveiled.
During her lifetime, there were lot of times when people tried to kill her because they couldn’t counter her with their arguments. They did not have knowledge to counter her and they were facing existential crisis because of her. They tried to defame her a lot. They called her as the medium of Satan as her teachings were indifferent from what was taught by the those propagating Christianity. It was actually due to her that we know the actual story of Christ. We cannot understand her writings easily. It requires lot of background knowledge before we can understand her teachings in depth. We need to gain the right keys required for understanding.
She lived the last years of her life in London. She used to help many of those who came to her seeking advice. She always worked to fulfill the plan coming from the Masters of Wisdom and she had no other agenda in life. Master Morya called her as “the only white lotus we have in our pond.” It was to indicate how pure, how compassionate and how self-offering she was. She continues to work on this planet even today and she is now present in one of the cave Ashrams in Himalayas. We can gain her presence and grace by recollecting her and reading her books.
Master EK was greatly inspired by her writings and he himself writes in his diary, “To the train of my life, Madam HPB is like the engine while Madam Bailey is like the guard.”
So on this day, we try to recollect her and remain in her presence as much as possible.