Destinations Magazine

1001 Posts

By Elizabethwix

So much to see - as ever
1001 Posts
Up on 5th Avenue a taxi zooms past people in costume. Who can they be?
1001 Posts
Part of a dance performance - cell phone in hand.
1001 Posts
Looking fierce -with a cigarette...
1001 Posts
Sailors looking friendly with Pat, my favorite crossing guard.
1001 Posts
The sign of the pig in Greenwich Village.
1001 Posts
I get all my life advice from abandoned buildings....
So I thought  -  and decided that 1001 posts on a blog is quite enough. I sort of tried abandoning this one a couple of years ago but now think that this one's time is really up.Blogging is such fun and you encounter the most lovely people - most of whom I plan on keeping up with.
I'm loving the simplicity of Instagram where my handle is biffwix.Please follow me and let me know if you are on Instagram...

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