Gardening Magazine

100 Years of Southport Flower Show

By Ozhene @papaver

I have been going to Southport Flower Show for a couple of years now and it has quickly become a 'don't miss' on my calendar. We had a good journey northwards as it is a bit of schlep from where I live - but worth it, so worth it.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

I love the big painted wall that is such a feature of the show. It has been different each year I have been, I think it is brilliant.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

This display was being photographed again and again and rightly so, if you have a centenary to celebrate it has to be done big!

100 years of Southport Flower Show

We spent some time looking at the old photos on display, the show today is a big show but look of the size of it on this photo! The sun was shining and we had lots to see so we set off to explore. There are three main paths when you enter the way we got to the show. Do we go our usual way to the left, take the middle path or go wild and take the right-hand path. We took the right-hand path.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

The displays are always good, this year they felt a notch above, they were outstanding.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

Right from the moment you arrived there were these wonderful gardens to enjoy. I love the planter in this garden.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

The larger show gardens this year were, well, larger. They were also of incredible quality.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

We stood and admired.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

We discussed as we often do (we being my daughter and I) that inspiration for small gardens such as she has is easily found in larger gardens.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

I really loved this water feature, it would not look right in my garden........ except....... well maybe it could.....

100 years of Southport Flower Show

There are plants, there is colour and there is planty-colourful fun.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

When not looking at gardens there is much to see around the showgrounds.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

I looked a little confused at this bee, banana, lamb...... but my daughter exclaimed "its a superlambanana", these were created for the Liverpool Capital of Culture with 125 being placed around the city based on the huge yellow Superlambanana scupture by Taro Chiezo. Yes I had to look this up - obvs.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

These might be smaller than the original, but gosh what fun.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

We loved the crochet bees.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

and we spent some time watching the showjumping in the arena.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

and we had a lovely lunch in the sunshine of gourmet scotch eggs - now a firm Southport Flower Show habit and a small drinky-poos bought from the nearby Morrisons. It had to be done.

But where there any plants for sale I hear you ask? Of course!

and was there other stuff to buy that you couldn't resist? Of course of course?

Dear Reader: the day's purchases were....

100 years of Southport Flower Show

Three beatutiful begonias from Dibleys, I think I nearly always buy from them and my house is being taken over one begonia at a time.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

This is B. sutherlandii 'Saunders Legacy', now I bought sutherlandii only the other day when I was at Iford Manor, proving that I cannot walk past a nice begonia; but this one has more finely cut foliage, look how delicate and beautiful it is - how could I resist?

100 years of Southport Flower Show

This is B. fuchsioides, how pretty is she and I cannot wait until the flowers open - I expect something fucshisa-ish.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

and this is B. kellermanii, look how lovely and downy the backs of the leaves are? It positively lept into my arms.

100 years of Southport Flower Show

I also bought these lovely rusty metal bees. I almost bought three bees, I nearly bought no bees, but 2 bees or not 2 bees, it was the question (sorry, had to be done).

100 years of Southport Flower Show

I have been after one of these trees for some time. I see them at shows and think 'next time I will buy one' and then I never do. This one is rather large but it was also a fabulous bargain. I could not walk away from it. Thankfully it was more awkward than heavy to get back to the car. I do know exactly where it will go and I will of course update you when it is in situ.

I am very fond of the town of Southport itself which I have been visiting for over ten years now and I was horrified and deeply saddened by the recent terrible events. Like any parent I broke a little inside for all involved and paused in respect when we arrived.

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