
100 Candy Puns Jokes For Your Sweet Tooth on Giftomg

Posted on the 16 September 2022 by Gift Omg @giftomgcom
100 Candy Puns Jokes For Your Sweet Tooth on giftomg

Get ready to burst out laughing with these irresistible candy puns jokes. Just when you thought candy couldn’t get any better, it also sweetens your day by filling it with laughter.
Really candy is like our best friend. It is always there when we need it and it has the ability to light up our mood instantly. There’s nothing sweeter than fun candy pranks and puns, so here’s a great collection and mix of the best examples sure to suit your taste! They’re definitely not bad!
So get your candy puns jokes on, and if your sweet tooth still isn’t satisfied after these candy puns, try these donut puns, and avocado puns to make you melt into giggles instead. - giftOMG
Candy Puns Jokes That Are Super Sweet
You’re hunting for some sweet candy puns jokes to pair with your next Instagram caption, or cute gift tag? We’ve got chew! Here’re the best sweet tooth puns you can check out!

  • Donut give up!
  • That’s kinder sweet!
  • The baby cat, got his favorite chocolate, it was cat-bury.
  • You can teach an old dog new Twix.
  • Gummy a big hug!
  • A diet-conscious person couldn’t Reese-ist the candy which she had seen in the candy shop.
  • I think I have a pretty mallow personality.
  • Don’t mind him, he’s a little cookie.
  • A cat went to the shop and bought his favorite candy, a KitKat.
  • Yes you candy!
  • The candy landowners sold their land for 100 Grand.
  • The cute candy got all decked up and went Extra with all the make-up. She wanted to win the best candy face competition.
  • A candy stargazer saw the brightest star in the Milky Way that night.
  • There’s no sugarcoating it: you’re just a backsweet driver.
  • I’m really fondue (fond of) you.
  • Candies don’t play Twix.  They directly say I love you.
  • The birds dug into the ground to have candy worms for dessert.
  • The angry candy officer’s mood was in Hot Tamale.
  • The two candy love birds promised to each other that nothing could come be-Twix-t them.
  • Don’t jump the gum.
  • They’ll mallow out as they get older.
  • You’re the opposite of a Dud.
  • Lolli-pop – What little candies call their dads.
  • That really mint a lot to me.
  • Don’t be so mallowdramatic.
  • You cane do it!
  • You’re an absolute life saver!
  • Resse-ently there has been a lot going on in the candy country, with the rise of sweet-teeth.
  • The candy landowners sold their land for 100 Grand.
  • I can’t Reese-ist you!

Funny Candy Puns Jokes That Are a Real Life Saver
There are lots of reasons why you need a great candy pun for every gram – from pics of handmade candies to snapshots of your Halloween haul. Here are some funny candy puns jokes for your sweet tooth sense of humor. Go ahead and chews your favorite.

  • If Bob has 40 yummy chocolate bars and eats 30 of them, what does Bob have? – Diabetes….. Bob has diabetes…
  • What country did candy come from? – Sweeten!
  • How does the recipe for German chocolate cake begin? – First, invade ze kitchen.
  • What kind of candy is never on time? – ChocoLATE
  • How many grams of protein are there in that slice of chocolate pie?- 3.14159265.
  • What’s the best part of Valentine’s Day? – The day after when all the chocolate goes on sale.
  • What do you call a snake that eats too much candy – A snack.
  • Why is halloween candy so similar to anti-vax kids? – Because both dont last very long
  • What do you call a candy which doesn’t like to be with others? – A lonelypop.
  • What kind of bear has no teeth? – A gummy bear!
  • What is an astronauts favorite chocolate? – A marsbar!
  • What do you call Chewbacca when he has chocolate stuck in his hair? – Chocolate Chip Wookiee.
  • Why should you be careful of candy salesmen? – They have twix up their sleeves.
  • What is a monkey’s favorite cookie? – Chocolate chimp!
  • What do you get when you dip a kitten in chocolate? – A Kitty Kat bar!
  • Why couldn’t the clown juggle the candy bars? – He had butterfingers.
  • What do old people with no teeth chew with? – Chewing gums.
  • Why are small candy bars called “fun size” – when it’s more fun to eat the big ones?
  • Which country does candy come from? – Sweetzerland.
  • How can you tell that a blondes been baking chocolate chip cookies? – There’s M&M shells all over the floor.
  • How do you know its cold outside? – When you milk a brown cow you get chocolate ice cream!
  • Jim has 125 candy bars. He eats 76 of them. What does he have now? – Diabetes. Jim has diabetes
  • What is an astronaut’s favorite chocolate? – A Mars bar!
  • What two letters spell candy? – C and Y!
  • What do you call Chewbacca when he has chocolate stuck in his hair? – Chocolate Chip Wookiee.

Best Chocolate Puns That Are Hilariously Sweet
Chocolate is the best, don’t you think? They come as a savior to heal and relax our moods, just like these amazing and fun chocolate puns! Here, we, giftOMG, would like to share with you a list of sweet chocolate puns. This list is sure to please all those who love sweets and cover up their sour patches.

  • Those who invest in chocolate put their money behind bars.
  • I knew you were truffle when you walked in.
  • A candy lover wrote her dissertation on candy pun and candy sayings.
  • Sorry I’m choco-late.
  • The monkey bought his favorite cookie, a chocolate chimp.
  • Whenever I try to eat healthy, a chocolate bar looks at me and Snickers.
  • The most common chocolate in the airport is plane chocolate.

Source: - GiftOMG
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