Lifestyle Magazine

10 Things To Do This Autumn

By Hellofreckles @tashajsteel
Hello Freckles Superdry Autumn Season Outdoor Street StyleSeems like Autumn has well and truly arrived, so what better time to show you my new Superdry pieces?Hello Freckles Superdry Street Style Autumn Winter Leaves
Hello Freckles Superdry Street Style Autumn Outfit NebloggersHello Freckles Superdry Street Style Autumn Park Outdoors SunderlandHello Freckles Superdry Street Style Autumn Park Outdoors SunderlandHello Freckles Superdry Street Style Autumn Park Outdoors SunderlandHello Freckles Superdry Autumn Season Outdoor Street StyleHello Freckles Superdry Autumn Season Outdoor Street Style Sunset
Jacket & Sweater* - Superdry / Jeans - Levis / Adidas NMD R1 (similar) - Office

I'm a bit biased towards Autumn, being a September baby. This time of year is always so pretty, the leaves changing colour, that chill in the air that means I can bring out all the knitwear and, even though I can't say I've been reaching for one just yet, it's hot chocolate weather!

So all of this got me thinking of things I'd like to do in Autumn. Here's a few suggestions to maybe give you some ideas if you're wondering what to do. If you think it seems like a lot, let me tell you I actually did three of these the day Charlie and I went out to shoot these photos (go check out his stuff). And we still had time to fit in a burger pit stop too, because taking photos is hungry business of course. 

Get outdoors
Take a walk through a local park, or go out for the day somewhere. I like getting outside at this time of year and taking in the scenery. Conkers, leaves, squirrels and maybe even an unexpected rope swing if you're lucky. I had too much fun on that whilst also having the recurring thought that it could've snapped and I would've rolled down the hill. 

Throw leaves around
I'm still a child at heart and in Autumn there are leaves everywhere. Whether you want to throw them around like I did, or just kick some around, have fun!

Have a Pumpkin Spice Latte  seasonal hot drink
Yes it's the most basic thing to do, I tried a PSL and it was way too sweet. So unless I can order one with less sugar - any coffee shop gurus let me know - I'll stick to my cappuccinos until I fancy a hot chocolate! 

Go shopping
Oh of course this was going to feature on my list. Whether you want to pop into Superdry and check out their new season stock -  would recommend looking at this sweater I'm wearing, it's so soft and not too thick to layer under jackets. This Winter Rookie Jacket is so easy to wear with the military style and it has a fleece lining so it's super cosy. 

Have a cosy night in
A night with lots of snacks, films, cosy blankets and candles sounds like a great way to spend a cold autumn evening.

Watch the sunrise/sunset
I know the hours of sunlight in Autumn quickly diminish and the sunrise can soon become part of your daily commute, but spare a moment to take in the candyfloss skies whether on your way to or from the office. I love a pink sky like this one above, just make sure if you're hopping into a field to take any photos that you're not chased by any angry horses. We were. 

Embrace those autumnal hues
Those burnt orange, red, burgundy and plum tones are perfect for this time of year. Paint your nails a deep plum, try out a red lipstick or pull out that mustard toned coat from the back of your wardrobe. It's time!

Bake something!
This time of year I like fruit crumbles with custard, especially with seasonal fruit, but you could go for brownies or cookies if you'd prefer. Or bake a pie if you're more of a savoury person.

Watch a firework display
Sparklers are optional, but I think there's something quite sweet about going along to a firework display in the colder months. Especially since the last time I held a sparkler was at my friend's wedding last summer! I think I'm due a few fireworks soon.

Have a Lush bath
Do I really need any excuse to visit Lush and pick out something for a pamper? Absolutely not! Their Halloween and Christmas ranges are in store now and I already want to go and stock up on Rose Jam shower gel.

What would you like to do this Autumn? Is there anything on your list?

Photos: Pasquali Photography
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