Fashion Magazine

10 Signs You're Dating a D-Bag

By Shanlakes
Justin Timberlake
1. He never calls exactly when he says he will 
2. He always makes comments on how attractive other girls are
3. You constantly feel insecure and unsure of where you stand. He gives you anxiety
4. He rarely compliments you 
5. The last time he apologized for something Derrick Rose was still playing basketball..
6. He doesn't make enough time for you, and doesn't always meet you half way. You go 90, he goes 10
7. He's broken up with you at some point 
8. He's manipulative. Things always goes his way. For example, he says things only giving you the options he wants to chose from: Do you want to watch the Bulls game or the Masters? Do you want to eat at Ron of Japan or Kegon? (okay that last question I'd love him for)
9. He doesn't get you flowers, surprise you, or go out of his way to do things to make you happy...
10. I've dated him at one point or another.  (Joking!) 

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