You should be some one who . . .
- .. is a qualified teacher who holds a teaching license, a DELTA, and an MA TESOL.
- .. is a qualified teacher trainer.
- .. can accept criticism.
- .. doesn't resort to ridiculous put downs like "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem" .. because they actually want to encourage feedback - both negative and positive.
- .. doesn't believe that PD is voluntary if it forms part of the teacher evaluation system.
- .. doesn't believe that a department which invests heavily in PD will look equally upon those who take part in the devised program and those who chose instead to pursue their own private PD.
- .. doesn't come to the table with the belief that teachers in the Middle East are lazy and do nothing but pop into class for a couple of hours a day.
- .. doesn't believe they are a great teacher, but instead aspires to constantly improve themselves.
- .. doesn't worry about their popularity, but is more concerned about earning the trust and respect of the teachers they will be training.
- And someone who certainly doesn't believe anyone to be a Neanderthal because they question the value of what they are doing - especially when the crticism comes from people who are more qualified.