There's no denying that WhatsApp is the most widely used messaging application around the globe. It has more than one billion users and the number is rapidly growing considering the increase in smartphone adoption in India and outside the country.
A number of apps came and went, but WhatsApp has become a part of modern digital lifestyle. It is the first messaging app a smartphone user installs on his/her handset to stay in touch with family and friends. These new features will make you a WhatsApp genius.
The Facebook owned platform has been recently modified with a number of new features that makes it even more powerful and further enhances its everyday usage. Here we have rounded up all the new additions to the popular platform that you must know to be a messaging pro.
No more subscription fee
The recent update that was pushed in January 2016, made the WhatsApp absolutely free for the world. Earlier, WhatsApp used to charge a minimal annual fee on annual basis after the first year free usage, but with new update, users don't need to pay to use WhatsApp's services on all versions of the app.
Low data usage
WhatsApp also constitutes a major part of our monthly data bills because we are always active on the app and have the habit to make voice calls, download images, videos and audio files, etc sent by people in our contact list. However, with new feature- low data usage turned on, you can cut down on the cost of your data usage without stopping yourself from making voice calls or send/receiving the media files from your contacts. You can turn on the feature in the Data usage option in the WhatsApp settings menu.
Mark messages as read or unread
The latest update has also added a nifty feature to WhatsApp that come real handy in everyday usage. With the new feature, you can mark your chats as read or unread without even opening the conversation. You just need to long press the chat and select 'Mark as read/unread' from the pop-up menu. Try it to save yourself from an ugly situation.
End to end encryption
A recent feud between Apple and FBI over an iPhone data encouraged WhatsApp to jump onto the encryption bandwagon. This made the company introduce the end-to-end encryption to secure the privacy of its one billion users. With the new feature now in action, your activity on WhatsApp, be it simple text messages, voice calls or the photos or videos that you send, are fully secured from third-party sources and even from the WhatsApp team.
Use Google Now to send WhatsApp messages (Only for Android)
Now this one is really cool. You can ask Google Now to send a WhatsApp message to any of your contact. You just need to say "Ok Google, send a WhatsApp message". If you add the contact name to your voice command, then you will be prompted to dictate the message you want to send to the contact. Otherwise, you can also choose the contact name from the Google Now menu and type the message manually.
New Settings menu interface
The recent update has also changed the Settings menu interface, which is not actually a new feature but is a welcome change to the WhatsApp's old interface. The update brings some noticeable changes in the Settings menu. For instance, the square profile picture has been transformed into a circle, the Accounts option has been moved to top, data usage is now a dedicated option with sub menus, etc.
Also Check - Steps to access Whatsapp On PC with Bluestacks and WhatsappWebGoogle Drive backup
While this is not a new feature, it is still one of the best things happened to the messaging platform in a while. WhatsApp gives you the option to back up your chat history, voice messages, photos, and videos to Google Drive, which can be restored to a new device if you change your SIM card. You can back up your data to Google cloud by tapping on the 'back up' button in the 'Chat backup' option in the settings menu.
Starred messages
With starred messages, you have the option to star particular messages to easily locate them at a later time. Simply long press a message in a conversation and select the star icon from the pop-up menu. Your starred messages will appear in the starred messages section in the main menu.
Custom notifications
'Custom notifications' is also a part of WhatsApp latest update. It allows users to set custom ringtones for your favorite contacts. The feature can be accessed by tapping on view contact and gives options to set custom ringtones, LED colour, vibration length and pop-up notifications.
Mute individual chats
Enjoyed the read and tried our secrecy Whatsapp features and tricks? Then do write us your favourite WhatsApp hack from the list.WhatsApp now offers you the ability to mute individual chats. With this, you can now temporarily mute the notifications from individual contacts for 8 hours, one week or for the entire year. The extension of muting the chats from group conversations to individual contacts is definitely a nifty addition to the app.