Fashion Magazine

10 Months with Ralph

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

10 months with ralphAnother month has come and gone and sweet baby Ralph is now 10 months old (well, yesterday). Since my 9 month update, Ralph is not only on the move but he is pulling up on everything! He loves to grab everything from my leg to the coffee table and stand. He even has a few free moments where he is standing on his own! Ralph is now pushing his little walker and taking a few steps. I have a BIG feeling that he will be walking the the near future but I guess time will tell.

He is still eating a ton (he’s a big baby), sleeping like a champion and giggling non stop. He now has 5 teeth, waves ‘bye bye’ and just last week he started making the “MMM” noise…maybe he will be saying ‘MAMA’ soon (at least I hope).

Bath time is still his favorite time of the day and he also loves to play ‘chase’ (the crawling version). This sweet baby is as good as it gets and I am thankful to spend my first ever Mother’s day snuggling all day long. Until next month….

previous baby ralph updates: one month, two months, three months, four months, five months, six months, seven months, eight months, nine months

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