Yoast SEO is the number one SEO plugin I recommend for 99% of WordPress websites. Simple and easy to use it’s clear to see why so many people really love the plugin, even us digital marketing folk.
So a few moments ago on the Yoast Facebook page I saw the news that they had just passed 10 Million downloads for this wordpress seo plugin! This is a staggering achievement and I heartily congratulate Joost de Valk (founder of Yoast) on this.

WordPress SEO
Why Yoast SEO Rules the World
There are many reasons why Yoast is simply the best SEO plugin for wordpress, and trust me I’ve tried hundreds! But let me just summarise the main points for you as to why I love Yoast.
- Everything SEO in One Place
Well Almost Everything - Content Analysis Grading
A simple traffic light system to let you know how awesome your content is, ability to (in one place) adjust meta tags both for within your site (seo) and for social media. - Great Site Map Generation
One of the big issues with other SEO plugins is that you need about 50 of them to give you the full optimisation, Yoast really is all in one – sitemaps included, formatted to perfection for maximum SEO - Control as much or as little as you want
So as an outside to the SEO industry you may just want to “plugin and go” (who doesn’t) and this wordpress seo plugin lets you do just that, but if you are wanting to dive deeper into the optimisation and tweak things by post and page (like robots.txt config and canonical urls) you certainly can and its really easy to do. This means you can make the changes you want without having to fiddle with an API – though you could do it through the API if you wanted. - Always updated! Always!!!
One of the great things about this SEO plugin for wordpress is that it is updated and updated, every bug gets fixed, every update from Google is considered and if change is needed it’s made. This is a plugin that is number one in the world because it was awesome, it is awesome today and will continue to be as the Yoast team continue to invest time and money into this super plugin. - Fork It!
Yoast is built in public, almost like open-source projects, this means that bugs are swiftly fixed and anyone can contribute should they have the want, time and skill. This also means that if you need the power of Yoast but need to further it uniquely for your wordpress project, you can Fork It and build on it yourself. But remember, it’s nice to be nice, so always give back as thanks for this great FREE wordpress SEO plugin.
Download and Install, Yoast SEO
You can either download this amazing wordpress seo plugin via the Yoast website (yoast.com)
or of course via the wordpress plugin directory.
Just for clarity, both do actually download from the later source, however it’s nice to give Yoast a link in thanks for being awesome!
Do You Use Yoast SEO? or Something Else?
SEO Andy has always used Yoast (except in the very early days), we’ve played with lots of plugins here and on client websites but Yoast is always the default and the best for 99% of websites in my view.
What do you use as a plugin on your wordpress website for seo?
or do you simply leave wordpress to do its thing?
With thanks to Yoast.com for kind use of the Team Image (featured image)
Original SEO Content by SEO Andy @ 10 Million Reasons To Love Yoast SEO for WordPress