Sridevi, an icon of the Indian film industry, passed away on Saturday following a cardiac arrest. She was reportedly with her husband Boney Kapoor and daughter Khushi at the time of death. They were with the entire Kapoor family in UAE to attend the wedding ceremony of Mohit Marwah. For over five decades, Sridevi mesmerized her audience with one strong performance after another and had a massive fan following across the globe. She started her careers as a child artist and evolved into one of the most powerful performers. Sridevi, respected by her colleagues as a fine actor with a gift for comedy, is considered the first female superstar of Indian cinema and leaves behind her a rich legacy of films in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Hindi.
We bring to You Some Lesser Known Facts About Sridevi:
#1. Sridevi was born in Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu on August 13, 1963. She first appeared on the silver screen as a child artist when she was only four years of age. M.A. Thirumugham’s Thunaivan (1969) was her debut film as a performer.
#2. Sridevi and Anil Kapoor were a popular Jodi at the Hindi movies through the 1980s and the 1990s. The two starred in 13 films together and delivered some of their best films which include Mr. India, Lamhe, Laadla, Judaai among many others.#3. After marrying producer Boney Kapoor, Sridevi took a break of many years – her last film before the hiatus was Meri Biwi Ka Jawaab Nahin with Akshay Kumar, which was filmed in 1994 but released in 2004. (Judai was her last movie).#4. Sridevi was also considered for a role in Jurassic Park. Steven Spielberg wanted to cast her for a brief role. But she was at the peak of her career in Bollywood then and had rejected the offer.#5. Sridevi made her Bollywood debut as a lead star with the film Solva Saavan in 1978. She was the first female actress to have earned the tag of being a superstar.#6. During the 80s, Sridevi was allegedly dating Disco King Mithun Chakraborty. The two were also rumored to have secretly tied the knot in a temple. But he wasn’t ready to divorce his wife, Yogeeta Bali and he didn’t accept his relationship with Sridevi either. After this incident, Sridevi found love in Boney Kapoor.
#7. In 2013, Sridevi was honored with Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian award from the Government of India.#8. Sridevi was 13, when she played the role of Rajinikanth’s stepmother in a Tamil film called Moondru Mudichu (1976). Years later she played his love interest in Chaalbaaz (1989)
#9. When she made her debut in Bollywood, Sridevi was not comfortable talking in Hindi. Her voice was mostly dubbed by Naaz. Rekha had dubbed for her in the film.#10. Sridevi gets a lip job done, but it went horribly wrong and grabbed everyone’s attention.We will always remember her. May her soul #RIP.