Food & Drink Magazine

10 Easy Dinners for Busy Weeknights

By Thecookspyjamas @thecookspyjamas
10 Easy Dinners for Busy Weeknights

I apologise that it has been so quiet around here of late. You may have noticed the new blog design which was installed last week. Between that and Christmas preparations there has been little time for anything else. I am so happy with the new look, which was developed by Ginny from My New Favorite Design. I think we have ironed out all the glitches, but on the off-chance you find any please let me know. If you are thinking about a redesign I cannot recommend Ginny highly enough.

In an unprecedented move I managed to finish all my Christmas shopping last week, only to find myself back in the shops yesterday replacing presents that The Princess's pet rabbit had chewed through. It is one thing to finish shopping, but quite another thing to have everything wrapped and under the tree. This is still a work in progress.

I am taking a mini blogging break over the next few weeks to spend some time with family and friends. I am looking forward to much eating and to catching up on some reading. I promise to return in January, albeit it on a reduced schedule as The Princess will be on school holidays until February and is under the impression I should spend some time with her.

At this busy time of the year, when dinner needs to be fast and require little effort, I want to leave you with ten recipes from this year that I have been relying on to get me through the busy weeknights:

10 Easy Dinners for Busy Weeknights
  • Easy Weeknight Roast Chicken, with a liberal coating of Homemade Spice Rub: This dish is on high rotation at the moment. I roast extra chicken pieces for leftovers for lunches or main meal salads later in the week.
  • Caramelised Onions: These have been indispensable over the last few weeks. I have used them as a base for salads, added them to curries and they will find their way into quick Caramelised Onion and Goat's Cheese Tart sometime soon.
10 Easy Dinners for Busy Weeknights
  • Asparagus Frittata: I'm enjoying the end of the asparagus season. That this dish is quick to make is an added bonus.
  • Spicy Kale Pesto: Our kale plants have finally succumbed to aphids and white fly, so I am now relying on shop bought produce. This pesto is great stirred through pasta, spread over the base of a quick tart or eaten by the spoonful. You choose.
  • 10 Easy Dinners for Busy Weeknights
    Zucchini & Pancetta Pasta: Our zucchini plants are booming, and the neighbours are benefiting from Mr Grumpy's green thumb. This dish is a firm family favourite, and quick to pull together.
  • Mushroom & Blue Cheese Stove Top Pizza: The toppings may change, but The Princess is quite the fan of this stove top pizza.
10 Easy Dinners for Busy Weeknights
  • Slow Cooked Tomato Pasta Sauce: I canned bottles of this sauce earlier in the year, so just grab a bottle off the shelf for a quick meal. It gets stirred through pasta, or baked with meatballs, gnocchi or ravioli.
  • Chicken Schnitzel: Having this in the freezer means I need do nothing more than pan fry the schnitzel and throw together a salad. Dinner served.
10 Easy Dinners for Busy Weeknights
  • Easy Baked Sweet Potato Chips: OK, so I am cheating as this is a recipe from last year but these chips are on high rotation this month as a side dish to roast chicken, schnitzel or simple pan fried fish.
  • Roasted Cinnamon Strawberries: Because a little bit of sweetness is always good when you are exhausted.

Thank you so much for the support this year. If it wasn't for my readers I would just be talking to myself. I wish you all a safe and very Merry Christmas with your nearest and dearest, and a Happy New Year. Here's hoping Santa is good to you.

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