
10 Best Code Editors and Online IDE to Develop Web Applications

Posted on the 28 January 2021 by Katy Perry

An Online code editor is the second most critical cause behind developer wars (the first being arrangement of code). They are the tools that dwell on a remote server which is accessible through a browser.

As a developer, your main tool is clearly the one that permits you to show your ideas into code: A code editor. As time goes by, additional on-line code editors square measure created that may assist you to code from any laptop with web access. Using online code editors has got its perks.

Perks of an Online Code Editor

One, it saves your time and hardware clutter since you’ll be coding directly through the browser. Two, It saves money for students and want-to-be web developers.

Three, It is of great help when you are considering to work as a team since many of them provide advanced collaboration options through which you can work with your colleague and debug it.

To a few, Vim is the lone wise editor ever made, whereas to all others everything that doesn’t fit the Inception-like spirally minds whirling universe of Emacs is just fit for mock.

In case you’re gravely searching for consideration, you should simply go to a programming local area and start a string like “Why I think X (pick any famous code proofreader) sucks/is the most effective,” grab some brew and unwind.

It actually will require numerous months prior the toxin in the string will cool off. Toxins such as arguments, counter-contentions and affronts which continue to fill in and out of the conversation the entire evening.

Code editors are specific with regards to the programmer. Code editors scale back mental friction and permit you to be a lot productive, that is why they’re thus vital and find such a lot of attention.

Indeed, we individuals figure out how to over-emphasize everything, except I think code editors are specific with regards to developers. A regular developer invests practically full of their energy on the coding supervisor of decision. They spend more than 98%, if I somehow happened to bet.

They feel comfortable around the editors — its qualities, shortcomings, cutoff points, peculiarities, and shrouded jewels.

Nothing is more baffling than battling with the proofreader when you’re composing code (consider how irritating it is the point at which you must shoot off a long and dire email on another console!). Code editors diminish mental grating and permit you to be more beneficial, which is the reason they’re so significant and stand out enough to be noticed.

Have you ever heard of code formatting? It is the first one to be tagged as an explanation behind developer flame wars. That being said, code editors are considered to be the second most critical explanation behind it.

Things being what they are, which is the best code editorial manager?

Best Online Code Editors for Web Development

1. Visual Studio Code

Visual studio code

Visual Studio Code is a free source online code editor created by Microsoft for operating systems such as Windows, Linux and macOS.Features such as highlighting syntax, snippets, embedded Git etc makes it enticing. It runs on platforms such as IA-3 2, ARM64 and x86-64.

It is available in many languages and was initially released in 2015.
Versus code goes under the MIT permit and was positioned as the most well-known engineer climate instrument by Stack Overflow in 2019.


  • Robust and extensible architecture.
  • Comprises public extensibility model-customize and use extensions.
  • Has a rich API for powerful debugging.
  • Features may be increased utilizing plugin additionally.
  • Has a coordinated terminal.
  • Create and scripting tools-to faster the pace of everyday tasks.
  • Versus Code has a component considered LiveShare that permits clients to share their VS Code instances.
  • Supports Git-can view pending changes diff without leaving the editor.
  • Gives an implicit Command-line Interface or CI.

2. PHPstorm

PHPstorm, commercial cross-platform IDE developed by JetBrains for PHP. Being licensed under commercial proprietary software, it was released initially in 2009.
It is written in Java and plugins can be installed to extend IDE.


  • Has a smart PHP editor.
  • Improve your code instantly with the feature of code quality analysis.
  • Procures a keen PHP code editor that performs code finishing, punctuation featuring, mistake checking, and so forth.
  • Save time and get around your code efficiently with-easy code navigation &search.
  • Furnishes strong built-in tools for debugging etc.
  • Code inceptions are available that check your code as and how it is being typed by you.
  • Permits you to handily explore through your code.
  • It has features such as testing, profiling and effortlessly checking aggregated reports in PHPStorm.
  • Supports Zero-configuration debugging makes it truly simple to troubleshoot your program.
  • PHPUnit tests can be created and executed quickly from catalogs, files or classes.
  • Supports all the bleeding edge technological web advancements which are HTML5, CSS, SASS, SCSS, LESS, and so forth

3. Atom

Atom IDE online code editor
Atom is a free source course and as well open-source IDE. Atom relies on the electron framework that is constructed by GitHub This was successively written in CoffeeScript, Javascript and less.

It is developed by a subsidiary of Microsoft called GitHub.


  • Choose from open source packages or build your own package from scratch.
  • Easy to style and customize
  • Web Development Certification coaching.
  • Instructor-led Live Sessions, real-life case studies assignments, Lifetime Access
  • Helps to build cross-platform apps since it runs on Electron framework
  • Enables support for third-party packages and themes thus on the format of the editor.
  • Atom’s APM permits the installation and management of packages.
  • Provides support for a variety of languages aside from Python like C, C++, Java, HTML, etc.
  • It has a smart auto-completion which makes you write code faster.
  • Has many more features such as multiple panes, file system browser, find and replace, cross-platform editing etc.

4. Pycharm

PyCharm is an IDE developed JetBrains initially released in 2010. It is most importantly used in computer programming precisely for Python language. It’s a cross-platform written in Java, Python with Windows, macOS and Linux versions.

It is developed by Czech company and its community edition is released under the Apache License.


  • Provides coding assistance and analysis. This includes code completion, syntax highlighting.
  • Provides error highlighting, quick-fixes, linear integration etc.
  • Allows automatic code refactoring and has excellent navigation capabilities.
  • Specialized project views permitting fast switch between files.
  • It assists web frameworks like with, Flask,web2py and Django.
  • PyCharm is provided with over a thousand plug-ins, thus programmers will write their own plug-ins to increase its options.
  • It provides 2 versions for transfer, the Community version that is free, and also professional additional that is paid.
  • In professional edition, it supports scientific tools like bumpy, matplotlib etc.

5. NetBeans

NetBeans online code editor

NetBeans is considered to be a cross-platform Java IDE. Its original author is Roman Stanek and stable release was in 2020. It permits you to develop applications from modular software components called modules, that essentially are a collection of standard code elements. commissioned below the Apache license two. This IDE provides support to several alternative languages like PHP, C, C++, JavaScript, etc and runs on operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS, Solaris and Linux.


  • Provides terribly economical Project management through totally different views and multiple windows.
  • Helps you write bug-free code through static analysis tools like FindBug.
  • Provides nice community provided plugins.
  • Allows speedy UI application development through editors and drag-and-drop tools
  • Fast and good cryptography is enabled by matching brackets, indenting lines, code highlight, etc.
  • Easy and Efficient Project Management – this allows the code to be well organised.
  • It provides rapid user interface development.
  • It supports various languages such as C/C++ etc.
  • The IDE has editors and tools for HTML etc.

6. WebStorm

Referred to as the smartest JavaScript IDE, WebStorm is one in every of the most effective cross-platform till day for web development. It is developed by JetBrains.This IDE provides the total power of the fashionable JavaScript system.
It has various features such as powerful navigation, typescript, intelligent code completion, on-the-fly error detection, and popular frameworks with stylesheet languages.


  • Webstorm provides advanced cryptography help for contemporary web development frameworks like Angular, React, Vuejs, etc.
  • It conjointly provides cryptography help for mobile development languages like React Native, PhoneGap, Cordova, etc.
  • Server-side development may be done via Node js.
  • Has the flexibility to research your project to produce the most effective code compilation results.
  • You can jump to any methodology, operate or variables by simply one click.
  • Has an intrinsic client-side and Node.js computer program that works with chrome.
  • You can run your tests within the IDE itself as WebStorm has been integrated with Destiny, Protractor, Mocha, and Jest.
  • Provides project templates like a categorical or net starter kit.
  • Apart from all that, this IDE is very customizable and you’ll be able to alter it simply to fit your preferences.

7. Sublime Text

Sublime Text online code editor
Sublime Text is created from custom components with Python application programming interface(API). It is a cross-platform shareware source code editor.

Sublime-Text is a cross-platform IDE developed in C++ and Python. Besides Python, it provides support for alternative languages additionally. The options of this IDE may be increased victimisation plug-ins. It is available for Windows, Mac and Linux.


  • “Goto Anything” feature that permits fast access to files, symbols or lines.
  • It is compatible with various language grammars.
  • It has a Python-based plugin API.
  • It allows synchronised editing by allowing interactive changes in multiple areas.
  • Project-specific preferences.
  • Preferences may be created project-specific.
  • Its command palette provides strong matching for keyboard invocations.

8. Brackets

Brackets is a free source online code editor and open-source software specially designed for web development. It’s essentially designed for web designers and front-end developers. It is created by Adobe Systems, licensed under MIT License. It is a cross-platform written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.It is available for Windows, Mac OS and most Linux distributions.


  • It is Cross-platform and protractible.
  • Collaborative editing-Multiple developers can work on the same project simultaneously.
  • Supports varied backend programming languages like Java, C, Python, etc
  • It provides a variety of functions for text choice.
  • Provides security by ensuring that the application doesn’t permit third-party packages or plugins for unapproved access.
  • Allows increased practicality through plugins and integrations.
  • It conjointly provides general options that are syntax highlight, auto-completion, notice and replace, code folding, etc.

9. IntelliJ plan

IntelliJ plan
IntellijIdea may be a Java-specific IDE developed by JetBrains initially in 2001. It is available in two editions:

1. Apache 2 Licensed community
2. Proprietary commercial.

These two can be used for commercial development.


  • IDE provides coding assistance like code completion, code navigation, code refracting and code debugging etc.
  • Smart completion: Assists you by providing an inventory of relevant symbols.
  • Chain Completion: This helps to list out suggestions that are applicable through getters or functions.
  • Plugin ecosystem- We can add additional functionality to the IDE through plugins supported by IntelliJ.
  • Analyses information flow once it offers compilation variants to predict attainable runtime image sort.
  • Provides built-in tools for integration.
  • Provides cryptography help from languages to expressions and string literals
    This IDE detects duplicate code fragments and can inform you if there’s any

10. RJ TextEd

RJ TextEd online code editor
RJ TextEd is a freeware source course and Unicode online code editor. It can be used as a simple tool for web development. It was developed by Ricard Johansson in 2019 and written in Delphi XE6.RJ TextEd is a Windows software text and ASCII text file editor.


  • Can handle each ASCII and Binary files.
  • Provides code folding, auto-completion, advanced sorting, etc.
  • Provides advanced color hints that permit conversion between color formats.
  • It empowers multi-edit and multi-select.
  • Supports Unicode and ANSI code page detection.
  • HTML code may be valid, formatted and repaired.
  • Includes a document map, annotation bar
  • Web Development Certification coaching.
    Weekday / Weekend Batches and Per-monitor DPI-aware features.

Wrapping it up

This brings us to the end of the article. I hope you have learnt something today about working with an online code editor. It will great to have your feedback and allow us to learn why IDE is your personal favorite.

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