The humble Roulette wheel is more amazing than you might think. From real world Roulette wheels in casinos to online Roulette, these ten amazing facts will change the way to think about Roulette forever and give you something amazing to think about the next time you play…
10 Amazing Facts About Roulette You Won’t Believe

10 – Origins
The game with its current style of table and rules was first played in Paris as early as 1796! But some people think it goes back even further to 1758.

9 – Something doesn’t add up!
Roulette is sometimes called ‘The Devil’s game” or the ‘Game of The Beast’ because on a classic French table all the numbers on the wheel (1 – 36) add up to 666! Try it yourself, it’s true!

8 – The Roulette of Roulette tables
There is a total of 16 variations of the Roulette wheel that are still in use in casinos all over the world. So it is probably best to know what sort of table you are spinning on.

7 – Weird Odds
In one casino in Paris the “0” number turned up 11 times in a row! This odds of this happening are in their trillions – 1.

6 – It’s not my fault!
There is no dealer in the world that can make the ball land in a particular number. This is a myth often said by people who are having a losing streak. Best blame the dealer when their ‘flawless system’ starts to lose.

5 – This thing isn’t rigged!
Common to popular myth, there is no such thing as a rigged table. There have been a few Roulette tables found to be unbalanced, but none that are programmable to land on a certain number (Not even online Roulette tables!).

4 – In a winning roll
While they only walked away with $17,500 the longest winning streak or picking individual numbers was done by an American in Las Vegas called Johnnas Kenner and he picked a total of 7 numbers in a row! But wisely he didn’t bet big on any of them.

3 – Unbalanced
While obviously not true with online digital Roulette wheels, real Roulette wheels have to be so well balanced that even 1/100th of a mm out of balance can cut the odds of winning down by 67% of the numbers on the opposite side of the ‘slant’. So that is why all Roulette wheels are check thoroughly for perfect balance.

2 – Spin big to win big
The largest known bet on a single Roulette spin was $3.4 million by a French man named Charles Wells. He not only made this bet once, but he did it 3 times! But he did lose on the third spin (and decided to quit while ahead).

1 – Not so winning formula
You have probably heard of the ‘Martingale strategy’ where the idea is to stick to red or black, odds or evens and then double the bet each time if you lose. Not only is that a bad bet on a good day, but in one night a Las Vegas Roulette table spun a total of 112 blacks all in a row! See, there really isn’t any way to cheat the odds.