Clinton won’t get my vote in 2016:
- She’s a hawk. Clinton was an outspoken cheerleader for the Iraq War and still advocates a military-first foreign policy.
- She’s a civil liberties enemy, having sought on several occasions to criminalize flag burning.
- She’s Wall Street.
- Hill & Bill ran a racist 2008 primary campaign in South Carolina and spent the rest of that spring stoking white working class resentment. This, from people who had spent decades working for racial justice — all tossed aside in a momently pursuit of power.
Watch for Clinton to sound populous notes during primary season 2016. Watch for her to tack heavily Wall Street in the fall.
I swore a couple of years ago that I would never again vote for center-right presidential candidates in Democratic primaries and — as a Marylander, whose state is solid blue — I won’t vote for them in November, either. (This is not recommended behavior for those of you in Ohio and Virginia!)
Bernie Sanders, anyone? (see Dan Balz in May 17th’s Washington Post)?
©2014 Keith Berner