Karl Rove has been in the news this past week bashing Hilary Clinton for being old and brain damaged (in between chants of “Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!”). How does this relate to our little neck of the woods, Dear Reader? Yesterday, I wrote about Will Jawando’s idiocy in challenging Sheila Hixson’s fitness for public office. Here’s the thing: Jawando is unique only in being stupid enough to say this stuff in public. But he is only the tip of the iceberg, the visible piece of an insidious, Rovian campaign against Hixson. Twice in the past week I heard the exact same language from well-known, “progressive” local politicians, whispering to me that Hixson is not longer with it. Make no mistake: this is no accident. When identical language comes from disparate sources, someone has written the script and is organizing the players.
Sheila Hixson is a powerful progressive force for D20 and Maryland. These supposedly progressive wannabes are lying and know they’re lying. They are not only mirroring GOP tactics, but making the world safer for GOP policies. For shame!
©2014 Keith Berner