Politics Magazine

05.05.14 Riemer Stoops to Name Calling (and Then Hides It)

Posted on the 05 May 2014 by Keith Berner @leftyview

This past weekend, Hans Riemer decided to jump on David Lublin’s bandwagon in attacking Progressive Neighbors for no valid reason. Then he hid the evidence.

Here are items that briefly appeared on Riemer’s Facebook page:

Seventh StateHans2.png


Shortly after Riemer posted these thoughts and Mark McLaurin pointed out that Riemer (and Lublin) were being sour grapes and calling names, Riemer took down the content from Facebook. I’d say that Riemer doesn’t have the courage of his convictions, but that would imply he has convictions.

Let’s review quickly just who Hans Riemer really is:

  • Appeared suddenly in Maryland in late 2005 and declared his run for county council D5 before the paint was dry in his first domicile in the mid-Atlantic region. (Beware all wannabe politicians who suddenly proclaim their passion for a constituency they have never done a minute’s work in.)
  • Showed up at a Doug Duncan event at Heather Mizeur’s and licked Duncan’s boots without having any idea who Duncan even was. (For Riemer, any elected official was obvious a ticket to his own greater glory: I lick your boots, you help me become famous.)
  • Declared himself progressive, progressive, progressive without having bothered to even meet any of the real progressives in the community. (Remember Rudy Giuliani’s “noun + verb + 9/11″ campaign for president? Well, Riemer has been “noun + verb + progressive” from the start.)
  • Having lost to Valerie Ervin in 2006, Riemer ran at large in 2010, still having done nothing significant for this community in the intervening four years. His campaign was all fluff. He was nearly laughed off the stage at one candidate’s forum for making ludicrous claims of brilliance that he couldn’t support.
  • After nearly four years of double-crossing council colleagues and lying about his record, Riemer tried as hard as he could in 2013 to stop a significant minimum-wage increase. Then he went out to the county to take credit for its passage. (You really must watch this 30-second video of Riemer raising his hand to vote for the bill only after five others had done so and he realized he couldn’t stop it – he’s the one on the far left.)

Congratulations, Hans: 2014 marks the third election cycle (after 2006 and 2010) when Progressive Neighbors (PN) has not endorsed you. You would like to declare PN a “clique” and blame “personal agendas” for being left out in the cold? How about this possibility, Mr. (Supposed) Progressive? You’re a smoke-and-mirrors empty shirt whose ambition outruns his content and for whom “progressive” is nothing more than a campaign slogan.

It floored me in 2010 when Riemer managed to pull the wool over the eyes of myriad political leaders and observers in the county. It’s amusing to see how few of them are with him four years later.

It is now in our hands, Dear Fellow Voter. By not selecting Hans Riemer on the June 24, we can not only make room on the council for a new progressive leader in Beth Daly, we can also provide a service to future generations by ending the political career of a perpetual deceiver whose only real interest is in being elected.

©2014 Keith Berner


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