Here’s how three of the leading candidates for Congress from our district have spent the last decade:
Jamie Raskin
- Led a progressive wave that swept aside machine, big-business politicians who had dominated Maryland State District 20 for decades
- Served as a nationally respected constitutional law professor at American University Washington College of Law
- As D-20’s state senator, Jamie led the fights
- for marriage equality
- to end the death penalty
- to ban assault weapons
- to end fracking
- to raise the minimum wage
- to restore voting rights to ex-felons
- for criminal justice reforms
- to increase protections for domestic-abuse victims
- to stiffen penalties for drunk drivers.
Kathleen Matthews
- Carried water for the Marriott Corp, while it threatened to pull up stakes if the state and county didn’t give it tax breaks
- Made a bundle of money
- Gave money to right-wing Republican senator, Roy Blunt of Missouri, who wrote a law to allow corporations to deny their employees coverage for birth control.
David Trone
- Sold a lot of liquor
- Made more money than most deities
- Gave over $150,000 to some of the worst Republican politicians across the country so that that he could sell even more liquor and make even more money (Trone has referred to this as “buying access,” very similar language to Donald Trump’s).
While Jamie Raskin has led the effort to get money out of politics, his opponents have been avid players in the corrupt system where big money purchases policy outcomes.
While Jamie Raskin has been serving the public good, his opponents have served only themselves.
#md8notforsale / #myvotenotforsale
©2016 Keith Berner