Kathleen Matthews and David Trone each skipped two of the last three primary elections.* Skipped. I don’t mean they forgot to run for office. No. They didn’t bother to vote.
Your blogger spends his days at an international human rights and democracy organization. Every day, we support activists around the world who are struggling, even dying, for the right to participate in their own future. Sure, voting is only one aspect of democracy. But, where the right to vote has been won, it is precious.
In this light, I am offended when any citizen opts out. But for a politician, not voting in every election should be disqualifying.
Matthews and Trone – without ever having done a single, solitary thing for our congressional district or their local communities – seek to purchase your support with their millions. Don’t be a sucker: This is about their egos, not about passion for improving our world. Frankly, if these two walking piles of money gave a shit about anything beyond themselves, they would have been participating in society and democracy before they found themselves with time on their hands and dollars burning holes in their pockets.
There are several candidates for Congress in MD-8 who have walking the walk for years before Matthews and Trone decided to purchase the limelight. There’s a good conversation to be had regarding the merits of one or another. But all MD-8 voters should agree from the start: Matthews and Trone are unfit to serve.
*Source: Democratic Party database (NGP-VAN). Information supplied to me by party insider.
©2016 Keith Berner