There is a scene in a Dhanush movie – where he describes his routine as getting up late, going up to his boss, do errands as ordered, eat, comeback, sleep and then .. .. get up again next day !!
For many of us life is a drudgery – we educate, try to get into good jobs, earlier, people used to retire in the same company, now they fear losing jobs or imagine getting better emoluments, hit the block, sometimes are sent out unceremoniously, some retire peacefully and then live a dull life not knowing what to do. Get up in the morning – read some WA messages, forward some in WA, post something on FB, eat, sleep, eat, hit the bed late – get up in the morning – see phone for any returned favours on WA .. .. “நரைகூடிக்கிழப்பருவமெய்தி-"
வாழ்க்கைஇப்படியேபோய்விடுகிறது. நரைகூடி, கிழப்பருவம்வந்துசேர்கிறது. சோறுதின்பதற்காக, படித்தோம். வேலைக்குப்போனோம். சம்பாதித்துஉணவுஉண்கிறோம்.. வீடு, கார்!! திருமணம், குழந்தைகள், உடல்உபாதைகள், தேவையற்றஒப்பீடுகள், மனக்கிலேசங்கள், அப்புறம்என்ன Whatsapp , faceboook , என்று .. ..
Mahakavi Subramanya Bharathiyar was clearly ahead of his times – his life was short, life presented only problems to him, oppressive British arrested him, physically abused him, made him starve in jail – yet his thinking was crystal clear. He dreamt freedom, of the Nation becoming Independent and stronger and he himself proclaimed that he was no ordinary person !
For those of us living near the Sea, it offers so much happiness and valuable lessons. The vast expanse of water, the jumping waves, the roar it makes and the occasional birds – reverberate in mind – yesterday pictured this Sea Gull. They are not native birds !!

Gulls, or colloquially seagulls, are seabirds of the family Laridae in the suborder Lari. They are most closely related to terns and skimmers, distantly related to auks, and even more distantly related to waders. Until the 21st century, most gulls were placed in the genus Larus, but that arrangement is now considered polyphyletic, leading to the resurrection of several genera. An older name for gulls is mews; this still exists in certain regional English dialects and is cognate with German Möwe, Danish måge, Swedish mås, Dutch meeuw, Norwegian måke/måse, and French mouette.
There lived a famous Sea gull ‘though in an allegorical fable – nay it was not simply a bird. Jonathan Livingston Seagull is an independent thinker frustrated with the daily squabbles over meager food and sheer survival within his flock of seagulls who have no deeper sense of purpose. Unlike his peers, he is seized with a passion for flight of all kinds, and his soul soars as he aerially experiments and learns more about the nature of his own body and the environment in achieving faster and faster flights.
.. .. but, but - when Jonathan returns to his own flock he is greeted with anything but applause. The Elders of the flock shame Jonathan for doing things the other seagulls never dare to do. Jonathan pleads to stay and claims that he wants to share his newfound discovery with everybody, but the Elders dismiss him as an outcast, and he is banished from the flock.
To most life is dull drudgery, explore new avenues, find happiness, others may or may not accept – but at some point of life, you understand that life is not convincing others and not proving anything to anybody !!
Good morning thoughts from ‘aasami sirippu sinthanaiyan’
Regards – S Sampathkumar