Religion Magazine

“Yes, Lord” Fixes Everything!

By Caryschmidt

Many of our struggles in life—at least in mine—are the result of one of two things. First, our internal responses to undesired events. Second, our failure to surrender to God’s clear call.

For instance—maybe you are facing a trial. If you are resisting the trial, you are increasing the struggle. God will carry you through the trial, but first He expects you to say “yes” to His good plan in the trial. He calls you to surrender. The longer you fight Him, the greater your struggle.

Another “for instance”—maybe God is telling you to do something that seems “beyond” what He would ask (as He has done with me recently.) For the record, He’s been known to do that on occasion! The struggle intensifies the longer you say “no.”

The struggle isn’t in God’s request, it’s in our lack of trust. The longer we hold out, the worse the war. The longer the wrestling match, the more elusive God’s peace. In other words, the resolution of the struggle is not, “God, if you would stop asking this, my storm would cease.” The resolution is, “Child, if you would obey, your internal storm would cease.”

It’s not what’s going on around us that agitates us the most. It’s what is going on within us. Accepting God-ordained circumstances or surrendering to God’s call may not change the nature of our circumstances, but it changes the war within. After all, that’s God’s goal—to change me and conform me to the image of Jesus.

Resisting what God is doing in our lives is one of the surest ways to remain in chaotic upheaval—persistent unsettling of soul. Saying “no” to God is one of the greatest causes of discomfort in all of life.

Simply saying, “Yes, Lord” truly changes things. “I accept it. I surrender to it. I embrace it. Whatever the trial. Whatever the call. Whatever the situation. I acknowledge Your Sovereign rule in my life. You are my God—and I say ‘yes’ to your plan.”

Saying “no” may help you hold on to your comfort zone longer, but the unrest of disobedience makes it “comfortable no longer!” Saying “yes” takes you far from your comfort zone but into His rest. That’s a great trade.

Truly, the rest found in obeying your Father vastly overshadows the price of surrender!

If you’re tired of the unrest in your life—ask God if there’s an area where you need to stop struggling and simply say “yes.” You may be one word away from the most amazing peace you could ever imagine!

“And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” (Colossians 3:15)

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