Creativity Magazine

Writers Write

By Vickilane
Writers Write
Last night was the 15th  and final meeting of my creative prose writing workshop. Six talented writers and thoughtful givers of critique--and I feel like I got to know them well despite the virtual format. I certainly admire them all and expect to see their work find publication eventually.
Writers Write
We used last night's class to talk about the realities of publication--interesting since one of our group has several non-fiction works to his credit, and another has a novel as well as non-fiction works. It was a good way to get different takes on the writing process, the realities of publication, and the increasing necessity of self-promotion. 
Writers Write
Publishing has undergone many changes since my first book came out in 2005. And the pandemic has changed things even more--very few in-person events, much more emphasis on podcasts, social media, and videos. . . and publishers ever more hesitant to take a chance on unknown writers.

But bless our hearts, writers just gotta write. And I'll be leading another 15 week critique group for creative prose, beginning in January.  There are still a few spaces open. For info, go HERE.

Writers Write

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