Business Magazine

Why You Should Curate Content in 2015

Posted on the 10 January 2015 by Gaurav Kumar @vhowtodo
Content curation means curating of existing ideas and content to share, or to make your own content. Web content is rapidly growing and in 2015 it will grow much more. So the questions are what to do this content? How do we find your own great ideas ? How to create the content that really matters?

I personally believe that content curation is necessary to create and share quality content with your followers and fans. This will engage them with your content and grow your social share. It is not easy to find quality content. Curation if the only best way to create quality content in 2015.

Curate Content in 2015

Curate Content in 2015 : eAskme

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What Is Content Curation?

We will understand it in simple words. For example, I read an article on How to improve SEO and review its comments, As I know my readers will like this topic, so I get inspiration and write content of my own. After creating an article I will share it on all my social profiles and also give share buttons for my followers to share on their social profiles.
Also See : What you should do when Bloggers Copy Your original Blog content
Now let`s see the tools to curate content.

Tools to Curating Content

Here are the online tools which help you get idea and create content of your own.
  • It allow you to choose topics of your interest and use keywords according to your choice to see content related to your keywords. It will show you the content related to your keywords from all sources. You can also make a list of your favorite sources to get updates. It is an easy to use platform.
  •     Quora: It is an online Question answer based community. You can ask questions and let others to answer on your questions or you can also answer to questions of others. It will help you to get engaging audience. 
  •     ContentGems: On this website content is updating like storm. It shows articles that are shared on social profiles or RSS feeds. You can do research with the help of keywords.
  •     Storify: Storify is useful to create stories. Your an pull information from sites, blogs, videos, soical profiles an create a story and publish here. It provide an engaging environment.
  • This is also a good tool for content curation.  It has more than 1 million sources of content.
Also See: Top 10 Free tools to check for content theft

Content Curation is a Worthy Hard Work

Content curation need hard work. It take lot of efforts and do not show magical results in the begining. It help you build an online reputation and make your blog a brand.

There are so many tools are coming everyday for content curation. We will keep analyzing and updating more content curation tools.

So what are you waiting for, do everything to take your bog to next step. get ready to be brand and successful.

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