Food & Drink Magazine

Why Post-Cooking Cleanup is So Important

By Marialiberati

copyright 2021 Art of Living, Prima Media, Inc.

Cooking is a popular hobby or pastime, and much healthier than pulling out a microwaveable meal. After cooking, the thought of cleaning may bring a sense of dread and frustration. However, not cleaning up the cooking mess, especially on a consistent basis, can result in some serious contamination and much more difficult cleaning problems in the future!

Clean Up Contaminated Surfaces  

Raw foods carry potentially harmful bacteria that can easily be transmitted, even if those bacteria have dried onto the countertops or utensils that were used before. Salmonella, e.coli, norovirus, and more can exist within raw foods—and this residue contaminates any other food that comes into contact with it. Make sure that you thoroughly disinfect your countertop areas, eliminating the risk of those bacteria being ingested by you or anyone else in your living space. If you are worried about using heavy chemicals on your food preparation surfaces, you can use basic substances like bleach, vinegar, or rubbing alcohol, combined with a good amount of water.

Prevent Issues with Pests

Pests are easily and quickly drawn to leftover food. Leaving food out is an invitation for critters to come and feast on those food particles, which help those bugs thrive. Keeping crumbs off your counters, floors, and out of cabinets will remove that draw for those critters. Water also is a big attraction for animals that seek moisture as a source of nutrients, so even small amounts of water can attract pests into your home. Prevent those unwanted guests from making your home, theirs, by eliminating any source of sustenance for them!

Scrub Tools and Utensils

Burned food or unwashed substances will harden onto the tools that you use, to the point that it can damage surfaces. By soaking your cooking tools immediately after use, you can loosen the food particles that have adhered to their surfaces and wash them off easily without the frustration of hard scrubbing or major chemical treatment later on. Especially with pieces that have small pieces or difficult cracks and spacing, like a can opener or garlic press, soaking them as soon as possible post-use in hot water and soap is the best way to ensure a complete clean. This will help the longevity of your utensils and cooking materials.

Once you have enjoyed the food you’ve made, don’t evade the need to clean up the materials you used to cook! For the sake of your health from bacteria and pests, and your time and your frustration, take these steps to make your cleaning process quick and effective. It’ll be much easier to enjoy using your kitchen the next time without the stress of the mess.

Read this next: Essential Tools Every Cook Needs in Their Kitchen

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