Business Magazine

Why Every Business Should Be Blogging

Posted on the 12 January 2015 by Gaurav Kumar @vhowtodo

Modern technology has made it so easy to build a brand and get attention of target audience with just few clicks. Blogging and Social networks make this job more easy. Billions of people are coming on social networks everyday, which actually help you gain heap of followers. Social media is best marketing mediums.

Blogging help you to stay connected with your audience and give them the latest news of products, services, company or industry. If you have a business and you ask me why you should be blogging, then here is the answer for you.

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Why Every Business Should be Blogging


When you connect a blog with a website, it actually help you with plenty of new traffic. You just need to have a useful and well written content for your audience. Even if your blog is not connected to your site, you can still add link of your site on visible part of your blog to gain traffic. After writing a blog post, share the link of that post to all social network profiles, this also help you gain more traffic.

Represents You as an Expert

Blogging give you chance to outrank your competitors and shine in your niche. Writing not only help you gain traffic but also increase your knowledge and you will find out what your readers are looking for, which actually help to build reputation. Blogging is an awesome way to gain the loyalty and trust of visitors.

Connect with Customers

Blogging also help you to stay connected with your customers. You should reply to each and every single comment on your blog, this will show your visitors that you are available to help them. When you see a question, you actually know that many others can have the same question. Write articles on the questions you receive. When your readers see that you listen to them, they will surely stick to your blog.

Build Brands

Branding is very necessary these days and Blogging give you opportunity to make your site or product a brand. It increase your online presence. When you put the keywords in articles, you gain targeted customers for those keywords. And when visitors see your company name on the blog, they always remember it.


Writing articles and sharing them online help in search engine rankings and will leverage your own brand. Search engines also love new content, so you should be blogging. New content shows that your site is active.

See : How to Write Perfect SEO Optimized Post

So these are the most important reasons for any business to start blogging. I hope these are enough for you to start a blog. Always be consistent and make money blogging.

If you do have any question or suggestion, feel free to share via comments. Don`t forget to like us on facebook and subscribe our newsletter to get free updates. Happy blogging!

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