Charity Magazine

Why Do I Blog?

By Diaryofamuzungu @CharlieBeau

Blogging is my friend.

Blogging is my creative outlet.

Blogging is my personal space when things in my life don’t work out the way I want them to.

Muzungu Salary

Perception versus reality

Blogging = time out…

Blogging is my arena in which to make mistakes, to win new clients and make new friends, to learn new skills, to tell the world WHAT AN AMAZING PLACE UGANDA IS.

quote-nike-just do it even if you suck

We all have to start somewhere…

I was a blogger before blogging was invented.

At boarding school, I wrote long letters home.

When I was a teenager, I kept a secret diary (well, I thought I did, until – horror of horrors – my mum revealed some years later that she had read it!)

When I traveled, I wrote long letters home.

When my relationship was going nowhere, I kept a secret diary.

When I gave up my old life in London to leave for Uganda, I started writing my blog – even before I’d started packing my suitcase.

A blog – an online Diary – of a Muzungu was the natural progression.

[I'm embarrassed at its ordinariness now but this was my first ever blog post, in 2008. And my mum was the first to comment - don't mums rock?]

Stop making excuses Just-Do-It

Stop making excuses Just-Do-It

A blogger has no time to be bored – the next story beckons. There are always ideas to research, to mull over, to discuss with friends.

“Are you writing about this in your Diary?” – has been an invitation to tour Kampala’s slums, to go gorilla trekking in Rwanda, to attend the Kampala Art Biennale, to meet the Omukama of Bunyoro, to meet my totem – the Red Tailed Monkey – in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, to see Uganda’s eclipse! … and so many other life-affirming East African experiences.

Some people spend a lifetime searching – but I Have Found My Niche and it is here in Uganda.

The five year evolution of my blog – from crappy updates on Blogger to self-hosted WordPress Wow!ness – reflects the development of my own aspirations and my professionalism as a blogger.

It charts my progress.

It shows me that if you really want something, JUST DO IT.


NEVER NEVER NEVER Give Up, said Winston Churchill. By Jove, he was spot on.

You don’t even need to put on those fake trainers


Just Do It trainer heels

Just Do It trainer heels

I was invited to write my blogging story for the November 2014 Social Media Summit Kampala #SMUg14 Network. Execute. Elevate. Thanks for reading!


#SMUg14, blogging, Diary of a Muzungu, Just Do It, social media

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