Books Magazine

What the Frock? I’ll Tell You What I’m Frocking Up To This Month.

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni
What the Frock?  I’ll Tell You What I’m Frocking Up To This Month. What the Frock?  I’ll Tell You What I’m Frocking Up To This Month. What the Frock?  I’ll Tell You What I’m Frocking Up To This Month.

Welcome, October.

I’m very excited to see you again. You are one of my favorite months of the year. First, because autumn is my favorite season, and second because we get to mix a love of fashion with building awareness for Ovarian Cancer, an ailment my colleague and friend, Chris Noya, continues to fight and beat.

So, Welcome, Frocktober.

During the month of October, I’m joining other bloggers in promoting fundraising for this disease, as well as posting one outfit a day for 31 days of fashion. I’ve done it for the past two years, and I’ll do it again.

Ovarian cancer is a scary thing. All cancers are. A group of bloggers started the first #FROCKTOBER endeavor to support women with ovarian cancer, and I’m happy to follow along and do it with them…and others. For more information about the initial FROCKTOBER group of women, click here.  To donate to to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, you can click here.

If you’re on Instagram, Facebook, or have a blog, feel free to participate, and share #whatyouarewearing. Fashion Lovers—If I can post 31 days of fashion, so can you. Each Sunday in October, I’ll be posting all my outfits from that past week here on Steph’s Scribe. Or, you can follow along daily on Instagram at stephanie.verni.

We can raise money and have fun at the same time.

That’s what the frock I’m up to this month. Want to frocking join me?

What the Frock?  I’ll Tell You What I’m Frocking Up To This Month.
I’ll be posting every day on Instagram @stephanie.verni

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