Entertainment Magazine

What’s Your Favourite Garth Brooks Album?

Posted on the 01 April 2016 by Hendrik Pape @soundcheckblg

It's finally time for the long awaited Garth Brooks weekend in Ottawa. Seeing as they had so much fun in Hamilton last weekend we figured we'd start things off with a little poll.

It's no secret that Ottawa loves Garth Brooks, you did sell out 3 shows and almost a 4th in record time. So we'd like you to tell us, and Garth, which of Garth's albums is your favourite (we didn't include his Christmas albums because who wants to think about snow at this time of year anyway)

Take Our Poll

Of course if there are any you don't own yet you can get them all, and more, at www.ghosttunes.com

What’s your favourite Garth Brooks Album?

Field Service Tech by day, Live Music Nut by night! My family and I call the Thousand Islands region of Ontario home. I'm a blogger, social media geek, tech, and live music fanatic. I founded Sound Check Entertainment in 2010 to help promote festivals and emerging artists from across Canada and the world! I now act as festivals liaison, manage media relations and, of course, cover events in the National Capital region. I'm also a diehard Habs fan but Sens fans fear not; as long as they aren't playing against my Habs I cheer just as loud for the Sens.


What’s your favourite Garth Brooks Album?
What’s your favourite Garth Brooks Album?

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