Entertainment Magazine

Vuvu Verify With A Vinyl ...

Posted on the 23 October 2013 by Tlb Music Blog @TLB_Blog
We last wrote about Vuvuvultures when the release of their incredible single, Steel Bones, was imminently to be released. We admitted that we hadn't given them much of a chance prior to that track, but now, whenever we hear the name, we make sure we're all over it, and their latest double A-side has verified why we should be doing that!
Vuvu Verify With A Vinyl ...Your Thoughts Are A Plague is a grungy tune which will quickly bear likenesses to Arctic Monkeys new album, AM. The tempo is that little bit slower, the bass is one of the most prominent instruments, and the whiny vocal melody is what really takes it across.
We'd still say that Harmony Boucher has an incredible resemblance to LadyHawke, though, that grungier setting really does bring out a whole new side to that sort of voice that you wouldn't be aware of. Like always, there's a feeling that this would really be remarkable if you were to hear it live. A rawness really shrouds it all and, whilst this often means that things can be construed as missing ... you'd absolutely adore the chance to see them in order to give this one a listen on home-turf.

Deaf Epic has a more electro swing on it and, through this sentence is a little bit of an oxymoron, there seems to be a bit more cheer in it. There's still that element of Rock throughout, which we would never suggest is obsolete ... but, the synth-side of things seems a little more apparent and in place here.
Somehow, we feel that the catchiness, alongside the foreboding sound of those synths really has influences of Bastille throughout. It's as though, due to the use of synth as a main instrument throughout, and the pitchiness of that instrument, they have managed to come across a more aggressive and less commercial version of the English Indie act that we never manage to tire of.
All in all, and like always, we've managed to find another couple of singles that we're besotted with by Vuvuvultures and cannot wait to hear their next release!

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