Culture Magazine

Village Of The Damned (1995)

By Newguy

logoDirector: John Carpenter

Writer:  David Himmelstein (Screenplay) John Wyndham (Novel) Stirling Sillphant, Wolf Rilla, Ronald Kinnoch (1960s Screenplay)

Starring: Christopher Reeve, Kirstie Alley, Linda Kozlowski, Michael Pare, Meredith Salenger, Mark Hamill, Peter Jason, Thomas Dekker,


Plot: A small town has a sudden blackout no one knows what has happened but when the town’s people awake it turns out that all the woman are pregnant. Nine months down the line Doctor Alan Chaffee (Reeve) the local Doctor of the town and Doctor Susan Verner (Alley) must try to figure out what happens after the children all start having powers and intelligence far beyond their capability.  


The Children

The Children

Verdict: Creepy kids taking over

Story: Being a remake you already know the story, but it doesn’t mean it is a bad story. With the children getting older they become more in control and over powering of the adults. I like how the element of cover-ups is used to say this isn’t the first time it has happened, but no one knew why it happened. Add in the old invasion idea we get a slow moving invasion of aliens rather than a complete wipe out. With everything mixed together we get a creepy story almost acceptance of the situation even though they know something is not right. (8/10)


Actor Review: Christopher Reeve – Local doctor and father of the leader of the children. With his character becoming accepted more than any other he is key to the stories conclusion. Even though his character is important he doesn’t really shine in the way he should. (6/10)



Actor Review: Kirstie Alley – Government scientist who has to try and stop what is happening, but keeps too much undercover. Really puts in a poor performance her doesn’t dominate the screen like her characters requires. (3/10)


Director Review: John Carpenter – Creates a creepy atmosphere from start to finish but fails the get the best out of the actors. (8/10)


Horror: Only reaches creepy never gets to scary. (7/10)

Sci-Fi: The alien invasion is different to normal but never gives us the full motives. (7/10)

Thriller: Keeps you interested but never builds enough. (7/10)

Special Effects: Good effects but only few and far between. (7/10)

Believability: Only if you believe in alien invasions. (0/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Settings: Small town creates an element of hard to escape. (8/10)

Suggestion: I could see all alien fans enjoying this but don’t expect too much you haven’t already seen. It may appeal to the more casual film fan and it isn’t the most violent of horror and too challenging to watch. (Try It)


Best Part: Some of the take overs a good

Worst Part: Poor acting performances from the leads.

Kill Of The Film: head of the riot mob

Oscar Chances: No

Chances of Sequel: It could have one

Similar Too: They Live, Invasion of the Body Snatchers


Overall: Creepy thriller



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