Current Magazine

Twitter CFO Has A Plan… We Hope It Includes Learning How To Use Twitter

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

CNBC reports that Twitter’s new CFO may have accidentally tweeted an internal company message.

The message appeared to be about a company Twitter wants to takeover, and will be meeting with on December 15th or 16th.

The message ended with “we will need to sell him. i have a plan.”

3 Plans We Recommend For Twitter’s New CFO

1. Not tweeting your plan. Haven’t you watched sitcoms? Whenever someone says “I have a plan,” you never reveal the plan. You just try to execute your plan, fail, and then realize you should have been honest to your parents about the missing cat in the first place.

2. Learning the difference between “Twitter” and “inter-company emails” before trying to sell anyone anything related to Twitter.

3. A good future plan is to not admit that integration with your company requires “selling.” We imagine the December meeting. “Yes, we implied to the world that you would think merging with us would be a bad idea, but the new company name will be ‘Twinter.’ Tweets made of snow in time for Christmas. Awesome idea, right, Mr. Snowman?”

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