Celeb Magazine

True Blood Season 5 Spoiler!

Posted on the 25 October 2011 by Tbfansource @tbfansource

SpoilerWell Truebies we still have a long wait for True Blood Season 5 but we have a new piece of news to share with you.  Watch With Kristin on EOnline is reporting that Alan Ball is currently tearing down the Moongoddess set so it looks like the witches will not be a big part of Season 5.  Here is what they had to say in the spoiler chat:

Reagan: Any True Blood scoop? I am missing Alexander and his hot shirtlessness.

Wait, Alexander has gone shirtless? When? A source tells me Alan Ball is tearing down the Moongoddess set right now, so witches are definitely out for the upcoming season. We happy about this?

So what do you think of this piece of news?  Will you miss the Season of the Witch?

Source:  EOnline.com – Spoiler Chat

Photo Credit:  True Blood Fan Source

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