Entertainment Magazine

Top Track Tuesday - #24

Posted on the 21 August 2012 by Tlb Music Blog @TLB_Blog

Daughter hasn't released much since her/their fantastic Wild Youth EP, but last week I cam across a brand new song from the Londoners. Smother, which is due for release on October 1st is the track's title and it's beautiful but solemn tone makes up this week's top track.
 Smother picks up right were the last EP left off, with a new twang that is comparable to the likes of The XX and Cold Specks. A singed and spectacularly simple budge of the guitar allows for the same tone to come across, though, the further you venture, the more like Cold Specks the whole ambiance becomes, until Daughter breaks through and makes it all her/their own.
The euphoric and fantastic progression throughout 2:09 and 2:49 is something brand new from a band that, although well and truly loved, could become predictable and I think it is just what they needed to up their game.
This continues slowly, although moreso in a sweeping undertone, for the duration of the final minute until the song slowly comes to a close and you sit back and reminisce what you've just heard.
A truly beautiful bombardement of sound from Daughter and something that they can, surely, only build upon. This is the 24th week of Top Track Tuesday and quite possibly the best song yet.

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