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Top Quotes from Episode 7, “Cold Grey Light of Dawn”

Posted on the 13 August 2011 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

Rutina Wesley as Tara S4 Ep7A very interesting night for fans of True Blood as the plot thickens with the war that is beginning to rage between the vampires and witches. There is a definite line drawn in the ground and it will be very interesting to see who is on what side. The top quotes of the night from episode seven, “Cold Grey Light of Dawn”:

“It may be ten minutes from now or ten years, the moment you think you’re safe, I promise, I will hunt you down and f***ing shred you like confetti.”

Pam to Tara outside of Merlotte’s. It doesn’t matter if Pam’s skin is melting off or she is dolled up in 300 dollar shoes, she is one scary vamp!

“I swear to God I’ll burn this f***ing taco stand to the ground if you don’t let us up out this muthaf***er.”

Layfette to Jesus’s grandfather after being scared to death and taken over by Jesus’ dead uncle. The best part was when Jesus’ grandfather came out, very nonchalant, like, ‘Hold your horses, I was just having sex with my wife’. I mean really, La La! How dare you interrupt him?

“Well I sure as hell don’t want to fry in the sun, what do we do?”

Jessica to Bill when he tells her about the complicated situation regarding Antonia resurrecting in Marnie’s body.

“So tonight we go to ground in silver, and then what?”

Eric & Sookie S4 Ep7 “heart beating”One of Bill’s sheriffs when finding about Bill’s plan to keep them safe. I am not so sure they were thrilled with his plan.

“I’m listening to your heartbeat. I can feel it. Every pulse through your skin into mine. If I lay still and think about nothing else, feels like my own heart is beating.”

Eric to Sookie after making love. The way he looks at Sookie so beautiful and gentle. It was truly a beautiful moment between the two of them.

“I’m going to shove my fist up your a** and use you as a hand warmer.”

Pam to the doctor while undergoing her beauty treatment. I think Pam needs to be nicer to that doctor who is saving her a**, literally.

“Pam! Get your a** out here you prune faced bitch, I ain’t scared of you.”

Tara to the woods when walking down the road where she ends up meeting Marnie’s new identity. While Tara was at first skeptical, she eventually agreed with Antonia/Marnie that they need to protect themselves. I wonder how Tara is going to feel when she realizes the full extent of Antonia’s plan.

Out Comes the Sun

“Ain’t going to be nothing left for you to save if you keep at it — I feel like I’m dying.”

Jessica to Bill who is nearly begging to not be silvered anymore.

“I’ve lost too many people in my life, I can’t lose you too.”

Sookie to Eric when having to silver him. Awww, they are beginning to be that super sweet couple that no one wants to be around.

“Old Luca could have warned me. I felt like a giant-a** puppet for your ghost uncle.”

Luna and Sam S4 Ep7Lafayette to Jesus when talking about himself as a medium, who was being used to save Jesus.

“Okay, how can I say this in a way you won’t misinterpret — f*** you.”

Luna to Sam over the phone. I am not sure if smarty pants Sam could still misinterpret that message.

“Well I can ask my boyfriend, he’s got great spiritual energy when he’s not stoned”.

Coven member to Tara when asked to bring in more people to the coven circle. Hmm, they aren’t being very picky are they?

“I’m sorry. I have caused you so much suffering in your human life and now in this one.”

Bill to Jessica, such a sweet and emotional line between the two of them. He seems to be trying to make amends to those that are important to him.

“Are you in love with her?”

Debbie to Alcide when asking about whether or not Alcide is in love with Sookie. Debbie, Debbie, Debbie! When a man and you are in the moment, best not to start talking about another woman. Show him that you are strong and confident.

“Tell me… was I next? I mean there’s no way to keep it up with both of us around, the only thing to do would be to kill me, then you’d have the money, the bar, the girl… everything.”

Sam to Tommy when confronting him about changing into Sam. Looks like Tommy is on the outs again.

“But understand this, vampires are NOT immortal. They are only harder to kill.”

Jessica meeting the sunOh Antonia is out for blood, vampire blood! You naughty witch.


“He’s not going to make it without somebody there for him.”


The line that started it all, the fiasco at the end. Sookie said it to Jason, who then realized that Jessica would need someone as well. So he went in search of her, where he was met by one of Bill’s guards. The last sounds of the night were Jessica’s desire to see the sun and a gunshot. Who will make it out alive?

Did your favorite quote of the night make it on the list? If not, post it below to share with us!


(Photo credits: HBO, Inc.)

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