Fashion Magazine

Top 10 Reasons People Follow Your Instagram Account

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

Top 10 Reasons People Follow Your Instagram Account

Oh! Instagram. The bane of my existence. It is what is making social media go round for the past year or so. Most of your social influence is dependent on your Instagram reach and engagement. If you are a blogger/influencer you know exactly what I mean. Ever person who unfollows, seems like a virtual break up but I hope you have read my post here, to know why you should not take it personally.
Today I am sharing 10 reasons why I believe people choose to follow Instagram accounts.
10. Your Instagram gallery looks cohesive and drives engagement.
9. You're running a giveaway that requires people to follow you. Duh! :)
8. You are already popular with a large following. People follow you to find out why. Sometimes, people take that as a take it as sign for quality.
6. You come on on people's 'Suggested User' list, or on their 'explore' page.
4. People are nosey. Some of them just want to know what you are up to. 3. Your content is different and people are able to spot your USP through your photos and captions.
1. Your pictures are outstanding! I mean nothing trumps quality. Especially on Instagram.
2. You post regularly, and have your niche nailed down. People like to follow accounts with a clear theme.
5. You are friends with a popular account. Sometimes people check who their favorite Instagrammers are following and then choose to follow them too.
7. You share tips and tricks with your followers. You are considerate enough to reply to all the comments. People like that and would want to join your tribe.

On another note, if you haven't checkout why 'unfollowing' is a good thing, in my book!

Top 10 Reasons People Follow Your Instagram Account

Top 10 Reasons People Follow Your Instagram Account

Blogger, Stylist, Storyteller, Fitness Enthusiast, Experimental Cook. If you have questions in any of the mentioned areas or have feedback, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

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