Business Magazine

Top 10 Interesting Blogging Tips In 2012

Posted on the 23 December 2012 by Butterchicken @vivekkrishnan

In 2012, the blogging guru’s were more than active with their gyan about what what we should do and what we should not do while writing our blogs. Some tips promised to help us generate four-figure revenues in a few short span time while others guaranteed readers who would visit our blog like bee’s to honey. While none of that may have happened, there were a few decent blogging tips that we can all safely say that we learned in 2012. This is a sort of a recap post highlighting the same.

Top 10 Interesting Blogging Tips in 2012

  1. Blogging beats advertising as highest ROI for online marketing.
  2. Realize that not all your posts will be popular, praised and shared.
  3. Never hit “publish”, always “schedule”.
  4. A sprinkling of humor will make your blog less detached and more inspiring.
  5. Make an editorial calendar to help you plan content.
  6. Size of the post matters. Longer posts are more likely to convert readers into your believers, evangelists.
  7. Time on blog and pages per visit increase when you start using images.
  8. Write a compelling headline but deliver the quality content.
  9. Being persistent and consistent signals more than passion; it signals belief – a recipe for a successful blog.
  10. At least from time to time stop doing what everyone else is doing.

I especially loved tip #3 and #9, do let me know your favorite blogging tip from the above list in comments below.

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