Top 10 Funny Images of Cat Flowers
Last week we saw how to take care and grow your cat plant, but one of the main reasons I hate gardening is that everything takes so long! So lets just forward time a few months and imagine that little cat plant has grown into a beautiful flower…
Top 10 Funny Images of Cat Flowers

Cat in a flower costume
10 – “You really need to stop knitting and get out the house more.”
This classic woolly daisy is a great beginners cat flower and sure to sprout all year-long. Those distinctive yellow and white petals are as traditional as they come, it is just a shame the bud in the middle looks a little…angry. Maybe this cat flower is poisonous

Cat in a flower costume
9 –”I’m running, you keep giving me water instead of milk!”
This beautiful full, pink flower is very summery, it is just a shame it looks in a rush to leave the confinement of the flower-pot and become wild. But when that times comes it is best to let them go.

Cat with flower on its head
8 – “This fell on my head, I will be suing you.”
The small but very pretty upside down cat flower is a rare sight and often seen for only a few moments each time. So keep that camera handy because you never know when one will start to bloom. If you are looking for cat and flowers wallpaper, then this is the perfect image for you.

Cat in a flower ring
7 – “Is now the right time to discuss my severe hay fever?”
You would be right in saying this is a cat weed, but they do flower still and in a densely packed weed patch you can end up with a truly busy looking cat flower. Just remember to give it room to breathe. Kind of looks like one of those crazy cat vectors I have seen all over the internet.

Cat in a flower costume
6 – “You really did go cheap this year for the party costumes didn’t you.”
It’s a full bloom of an orange and yellow cat flower. Although the darker. more aggressive looking bud in the middle is not as friendly as the one in image 3, it is still a classic flower none the less. These lesser seen stray cat flowers are always the worst smelling, but the best to look at.

Cat in a flower costume
5 – “You forgot to feed me, so I died, like a real flower would.”
This is a classic sign that the plant is week, when the flower is just too heavy for the steam and the flower starts to bend until reaching the floor. So make sure you look after them properly and regularly.

Cat with flowers on its head
4 – “The only real thing growing here is my temper.”
One again this is more wild flowers and weeds, but it is still a mighty bloom none the less. It is just a shame that the main steam looks a little…angry. Maybe once it starts to grow some more flowers it will look happier.

Cat in a flower costume
3 – “Look at my fur, I am clearly more of a winter cat.”
Much like the cat flower we say in number 6, this classic orange and yellow cat plant looks pretty as a picture. In fact I would go so far as to say if van gogh had seen it, he would have painted it for sure.

Cat in a flower costume
2 – “Im a Savannah, I don’t need decorations to looks good.”
This very rare Savannah flower is most noticeable because the flower on has petals along the top in an orchid style, but the part that does have petals is bold, colourful and full of life. It has to be said that cat with flowers pictures don’t come any less seen than this one.

Cat in a flower basket
1 – “Haters gonna hate!”
Remember that cat flower basket you hung up the other year? Well now it is in full bloom and looks amazing. It goes to show you really can make these odd-looking flowers grow in almost anything. Much like nicanio cat it is happy to let things wash over it like insignificant waves.