Hair & Beauty Magazine

Tips for Surviving Finals Week

By Carrie Berschman @CarrieBerschman
Tips for Surviving Finals Week
Yup, it's that time of the year again! Finals are nearly here and another school year is coming to a close. Being a student can be tough...seriously! Finding the motivation to stay tuned in and focused for 4 months straight isn't all that easy. But because I know a large majority of my readers are college students, I thought I would share a few tips on getting through finals week. While I am no perfect student by any means, I do think these tips make for a less stressful week to get through!
  1. 1. Make a plan. Determine how much study time you will need for each exam and plan out when you be studying for that test.  Once you have a plan, chances are you’ll feel more confident and less stressed! 
  2. 2. Get enough Z's.  Sacrificing sleep for studying might seem like a good idea, but if you’re tired you’re not going to absorb information as well as if you’d had a good night’s rest.  
  3. 3. Take breaks. You will study more effectively if you take breaks. Need a few study break ideas?  Go for a jog, grab coffee with a friend, or watch a short T.V. show. 
  4. 4. Find a study buddy.  Study groups can help you to be more productive.  Plus, it’s so much more fun to study in a group than on your own! 
  5. 5. Eat Breakfast. Studies have found that eating breakfast may improve short-term memory and attention. Students who eat breakfast tend to perform significantly better than those who don’t. 
  6. 6. Eat right and stay hydrated.  Brain foods such as fish and berries can help you to concentrate.  Try not to eat too many sweets and carbs, as tempting as this might be – you’ll just end up feeling sluggish.  Lastly, make sure that you’re drinking enough water. 
  7. 7. Breath!  Before you take the test, take a few deep breaths to release tension from your mind and body.  Be confident about what you know and try your best to stay calm and relaxed.
I hope that you take some of these tips into consideration and that you find them useful in the next week or two. Good luck on your finals everyone! 
    XO, Carrie

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