Entertainment Magazine

The Wooden Sky’s Reach for New Touchstones on ‘our Hearts Were Young’ [premiere]

Posted on the 11 May 2015 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

TheWoodenSkyPressPhoto3_Norman Wong

The Wooden Sky has begun on a new trail. The Canadian band has three albums of solid indie-roots rock under their belts, but with this fourth record they are shifting. The sweet sounds of roots and country are still there, influencing everything from the vocals to the chug of the melody, but there sound is deeper. “Our Hearts Were Young” shows the band growing and reaching for a larger sound. With atmospheric, War on Drugs like guitars and a swirling atmosphere that feels more influenced by mood music like M83 than the roots of yore – The Wooden Sky is absolutely adding new touchstones to their repertoire, and we couldn’t be more excited to see where it goes. Check out the track above and be sure to grab their fourth album Let’s Be Ready on 6/16.

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