Humor Magazine

The Sunday Rumble: 14.4.13

By Davidduff

Measles and MMR:  Peter Hitchens in The Mail repeated a few days ago what I thought back when the controversy over the MMR versus single, separate immunisation jabs was raging in the headlines and, no doubt, in the hearts and minds of parents.  Given the colossal waste of money going on in our not-so-beloved Nationalised Health Service, surely the government of the day could have allowed people a choice between the two proposals whilst the scientific validity of the doubters was tested.  Today, of course, there is a massive panic on as regional health authorities use emergency procedures to vaccinate thousands of youngsters whose parents opted out all those years ago.  Massive panic, of course, means massive expense, so they didn't save any money.

Beyond irony:  According to The Mail, the wife of the Speaker of the House of Commons, the fragrant, dainty, saint-like Sally Bercow who took part in a Celebrity Big Brother Show but was, in a surprisingly tasteful decision by the mostly moronic viewers booted off at the first opportunity, has let it be known that she will not be attending Lady Thatcher's funeral.  Her reason is that Lady Thatcher "was very divisive… She also ushered in a very greedy and selfish society".  In the meantime, this delightful specimen of all that is best about English 'gels' is busy looking for some Labour party suckers supporters to provide her with a Parliamentary seat to fight at the next election.  Can anyone doubt that she will make an excellent parliamentarian and prime minister, certainly capable of out-classing "that woman" . . . sorry . . . didn't quite catch that  . . .


More rumbles to follow . .

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