Home Magazine

The Scary Sounds From Your Furnace and What They Mean

By Jakemontgomery @LTDOnlineStores
happy young couple relax after painting white wall in green and blue color in their new home

Scary sounds from a furnace are scary until now. Now you learn what they are and what causes them. Whistling, popping and banging even scraping noises are all explained. You will know when it’s time to call in a professional and when you can handle it on your own.

Key Takeaways:

  • Scraping sound: Your furnace blower belt may come loose from a wheel and cause metal to rub metal.
  • Popping sound: A dirty furnace full of debris could cause the gas to not light properly.
  • Squealing sound: Minor adjustments or an air filter cleaning are needed

“A dirty furnace can lead to these banging or popping noises.”


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