Current Magazine

The Real Cause Of Global Unemployment Crisis: Too Many Women Putting Nicholas Cage Pictures On Their Resumes?

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Yahoo reports that a Canadian woman applying to be an administrative assistant at York University, inadvertently emailed a photo of Nicholas Cage with a psychotic-looking grin instead of a cover letter to her potential future employer. Remember, potential new work force entrants, if you make a major mistake like this, the first thing to do is to post a screen capture of the error on Tumblr, so that all the employers in the world can read about your letter-sending-assisting abilities in a Yahoo article. Still, for the woman who did exactly that, remember, it could always be worse, so here are:

3 Worse Places To Put A Picture Of Nicholas Cage’s Face When Applying For A Job

1. On the face of John Travolta. It didn’t make sense in the movie Face/Off, and it certainly won’t make sense when you’re using John Travolta for a reference for a job at Build-A-Bear Workshop. No family wants a birthday party featuring 100 stuffed bears with the face of Nicholas Cage.

2.On the body in the coffin. You clearly are not showing the level of maturity necessary to work at a funeral home! (Unless it’s the funeral home in the 2010 movie Death At A Funeral where comedic geniuses like Chris Rock and Tracy Morgan sent smart comedy to die.)

3. On the seal of a diploma from York University. There was a time when a little hard work and a bit of embellishment, like saying you have a computer science degree, would land you a job like CEO of Yahoo. You can read about that legendary time, many months ago, in our article here about 3 worse resume blunder’s than Scott Thompson’s resume debacle. Trust us, people are on the look out for this sort of thing now, so nobody is going to believe that a seal of Nicholas posing as the Sorcerer’s Apprentice really means you have a Bachelor of Sorcerer Apprenticeship. And even if they do, they will not believe your cover letter insisting that “sorcerer apprenticeship teaches valuable skills necessary for an administrative assistant, like making problems disappear.” Trust us, the only thing the people at York University want to see disappear are pictures of Nicholas Cage on resumes. That just gives them nightmares about the time they saw his flick the Wicker Man.

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