Self Expression Magazine

The Passing of Andrew Breitbart

By Psychicillumination @psychicdad

The passing of Andrew BreitbartMost Conservatives do not tend to be conspiracy minded. But the passing of Andrew Breitbart the day before the release of some embarrassing videos of President Obama, had some wondering. Let me assure my conservative friends that Mr. Breitbart did indeed pass away of natural causes. 

In order to be respectful to his family, I am not going to reveal the details of my remote viewing regarding his health issues.

Mr. Breitbart was not assassinated or poisoned and his transition was very fast. He would have reported every perception and nuance of passing through the veil, if he could have, for his fellow conservatives. He probably would have told you that it is far different and more wonderful then expected. He was quite fascinated by it.

His only regret was leaving behind his lovely wife and four beautiful children. Other than that, he lived his convictions and was quite satisfied with his life. 

Incidently he was attended by angels as he passed. And I’m sure that he is still working for our beloved conservative cause in the afterlife. Take that Scratch!


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