Hair & Beauty Magazine

The Liebster Award

By Shubha Juyal @shubhajuyal

Thanx to Jessalyn from Makeup by Jessalyn Nicole, for nominating me for the Liebster Award! She has a great blog so definitly check her out :)
The award is for bloggers who have under 200 Followers. The purpose being, to get all the bloggers together and create a network between them.
 Here is what you have to do:
Step 1: Answer the 11 questions that I have asked.
Step 2: Choose 11 more blogs (under 200 followers).
Step 3: Ask those new 11 bloggers a set of 11 new questions.
Step 4: Contact the 11 bloggers to let them know they have been tagged.
These are the ones Jessalyn asked me:
1. What is your favorite makeup brand?
- It is a tie between Bourjois and MAC
2. What is your favorite piece of jewelry? - A statement neck-piece or a really nice watch.
3. What is your least favorite current fashion trend?-The the Nerd glasses...I wonder why...why at all!!  
4. What is your favorite movie or tv show?- Devil Wears Prada & Homeland 
5. Why did you start your blog? - I started it more than a year ago, but had to leave it  (I deleted all posts as well) for finishing my college.I recently started it up again last month... :)  
6. Who is your favorite Blogger?- I love Zoella Sugg for her energy and adorableness and Tanya Burr for being so pretty and well....adorable!! :P
7. If you could own any makeup/beauty product, regardless of price, what would it be?- It would be the complete Tom Ford collection!!
8. What is your favorite hair style?-Tousled hair with fringe,...THE LIEBSTER AWARD
9. What is your least favorite makeup/beauty product?- Liquid Eyeliner..I always mess it up...Felt tip all the way!!
10. What is your favorite nail color? -  Black or Simply Nude with a topcoat. :)
The blogs that I am nominating are:
Your 11 Questions - :)
  1. If you had to live your life with just one beauty product, what it would be??
  2. Who/What inspires you?
  3. Favorite high-end/luxury brand & favorite drugstore/high-street brand?
  4. Favorite chocolate?
  5. If you could have a party with 3 celebrities dead or alive, who they would be?
  6. Heels or flats?
  7. What is your favorite clothes brand?
  8. Something you can't live without?
  9. Which actress, you think, is the ultimate style icon of all time?
  10. What camera do you blog/vlog with?
  11.  Favorite perfume??

Please remember to tag me when you answer the questions!!xxBest of Luck!!

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