Entertainment Magazine

The Easter Weekend Break

Posted on the 04 April 2012 by Tjatkinson @T_J_atkinson

The last few hours whilst finishing the final episode of Berlin Alexanderplatz and whizzing through Luis Buñuel’s brilliant The Phantom of Liberty, I racked my brains trying to think of something to quickly whip up to post on the site before we leave for our Easter weekend break tomorrow. Alas, I could not think of anything, so by way of an apology, I thought I’d embed from YouTube my favorite episode of the greatest TV show of all time, Fawlty Towers, a show which if you haven’t seen, you need to. Just watch this episode, which may be the funniest 30 minutes I have ever sat through in my entire life, and have a great Easter. I shall be getting plastered and watching films, if by a shred of bleak hope anyone’s interested. Let me know what you’re doing over the weekend in the comments below, and if I don’t reply to it by tomorrow afternoon before we leave, then I’ll be sure to check it out when we get back on Monday or Tuesday. Thanks, and have a fantastic weekend.

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