Lifestyle Magazine

The 3 Instagram Secrets To Help Grow Your Gram!

By Cait @caitscozycorner
The 3 Instagram Secrets To Help Grow Your Gram!
Oh Instagram. I have such a love hate relationship with you. To some, you may think that having over 10,000 followers is a huge milestone,( plus questions to ask ) and yes it certainly is. But I've been barely budging from my current number of followers for months. I couldn't understand why I kept loosing followers. Why I kept getting a few but then loosing more? What was going on?
I suddenly realized I needed to change a few thins to get my media to grow, and grow and organic as possible too might I add. Of course the occasional giveaways are always fun but you want a strong media presence because of the people that you are engaging, interacting and connecting with. That's truly half the battle and also why I love posting on social connect!
Alright so let's grab that cup of coffee and start sharing 3 of my helpful social media secrets to help you grow your Instagram!
1. Regram Your Fans - When I first started blogging I didn't do much interaction besides reply to comments and engange here and here. However, I realized that my fans/followers are my biggest supporters so let them continue to keep cheering you on! Strengthen that community by reposting some of these images that you have been tagged with your brand in. You can even offer a campaign content that illustrated your brand! Once a few of my blogging buddies started tagging me in things they were doing, not only did I love the feedback but loved sharing it too! #CommunityOverCompetition my friends! ( Check HERE AND HERE for how your friends can help too ! )
2. Join Facebook Groups - I never really saw a huge jump in my following until I started to become friends with those in Facebook Groups. Not only are they there to support your Instagram by liking and commenting, but you also can form some really great connections with those you might not have noticed before. There are so many to be apart of that finding your nich is essential. Here are a few I'm in and love --> Here and Here 
The 3 Instagram Secrets To Help Grow Your Gram!
3. Create Consistency - In my failure to grow my Instagram, I wasn't looking at the overall picture. Don't think of each post as an individual; pay attention to how they all fit together in your profile. When users come to visit your page, they will see just the thumbnail versions of all your posts in rows of three. Think of that aesthetic that you want your page to convey and what filters or editing tools to help you. ( my OTHER SECRET shhh )
What are some secrets you have? 
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