Creativity Magazine


By Vickilane
As I was falling asleep a few nights ago, the word tergiversation floated into my semi-consciousness. I have no idea why--just some of the random debris that clutters my mind. I felt sure it had once been the Word of the Day or some such, but I couldn't remember its meaning and was too near sleep to try to find out. I just hoped I'd remember the word come morning.

And I did. And it means the act of equivocating or taking contradictory positions. Kellyanne Conway sprang to mind.And when the GOP blocked a bi-partisan probe into the events at the Capitol on January 6, saying it was time to move on--the same GOP that was happy to back investigations into Benghazi world without end--I realized that tergiversation was alive and well in the Senate.And I am beyond angry to think that these 50 Republican senators, who represent, as Heather Cox Richardson pointed out, 40.5 million fewer people that do the 50 Democrats, can ignore the attack on one of the fundamentals of our government--the peaceful transfer of power--while holding hostage the will of the majority.Tergiversation lives.Oops--I posted this by mistake instead of scheduling it for Saturday. Oh, well. Consider it Saturday's post.


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