Diaries Magazine

Sunday Diary #15

By Erraticglamour @erraticglamourx

Late again...
Sunday Diary #15
1. It was my friends Hen weekend this weekend. Lucky she was having it in Edinburgh so I could go - even if I was late both nights. I had a top night and cannot wait for the wedding! All I have to do now is get through my shift at work. Wish me luck.
2. I have become totally addicted to Criminal Minds, I mentioned that I had started watching it last week, I seriously cannot get enough of it. Love it! Morgan is a baaaaabe! <3As is Spencer... got to love a smart guy.
3. I am considering growing out my hair a bit. Nothing drastic just a long, messy bob type of thing. I just want some hair to play around with! Grow hair, grrrrroooow.
4. Uni has been crazy busy. As I am sure you are all sick of hearing about but the end is getting closer and closer wooo hooo! I feel like recently all I do is post these posts but I just seem to have no time to blog interesting stuff. This week I am going to make an effort to get some blog posts done. Please complete my survey if you haven't already, it would be very much appreciated: survey link

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